Using Multiple Windows

Using Multiple Windows in Sierra Web

In Sierra Web, you can use multiple windows only in the Cataloging function.

Multiple windows enable you to compare records side by side and to move quickly from one open record to another. They also enable you to easily copy data from one record to another.

In addition to the main application window, a maximum of five records can be open at one time. Each record opens in a new window.

To enable the opening of multiple windows, choose Admin | Settings | Windows | Multi Windows Mode.

In Multi Window Mode, the Window menu is available. The Window menu options are:

Tile Vertically
Arranges all open, non-minimized windows side by side.
Tile Horizontally
Arranges all open, non-minimized windows top to bottom.
Arranges all open, non-minimized windows diagonally from left to right and top to bottom.
Cascade All
Cascades all open windows, including those that are minimized.

The Window menu also lists the windows that are open, representing records by record number. The main window is called Browse in the Window menu. If you close this window, you will also exit Sierra.

To view an open record, select the record number from the list in the Window menu. The window containing that record is brought to the front of the display.

To navigate to the next or previous record number from an open or selected record, select File | Next Record or File | Previous Record. The record opens in the window unless it is already open, in which case its window is brought to the front.