Removing Bibliographic and Item Records from a Course

To use the Course Reserves function, you must be assigned permissions 48 (Course reserves) and 171 (View course records). To remove an item from a course reserve list, you must be assigned permissions 124 (Update item records) and 174 (Update course records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can remove an item record—or, if the Attach Bibliographic Records to Course Reserves feature is enabled, a bibliographic record and all of its attached items—from a course reserve list when you no longer want to associate the item with the course (for example, when the course is over). To remove a record from a course reserve list:

  1. Choose Course Reserves from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the course record from which you want to remove the item or bibliographic record.
  3. Select the bibliographic or item records you want to remove.
  4. Choose Remove Items or Bibs. The system prompts you for confirmation:
Remove selected items or bibs?
  1. Choose Yes to remove the records, or No to leave them on reserve. If you choose Yes, the system:
    • Removes the selected records from the course reserve list.
    • Updates the records, if they were on active reserve.
    • Displays a confirmation dialog. For example:

    Operation complete
    Successful: 1

    • Prompts you to delete the course record, if you deleted all of its attached items or bibs.
See also:
Adding Bibliographic and Item Records to a Course