Creating Item Records

To create item records in Catalog, you must be assigned permission 122 (Create item records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

You can create single or multiple items. Sierra defaults to creating a single item unless the Prompt for Multiple Items check box is selected in the Admin | Settings | New Records tab.

Creating Single Item Records

To create a single item record:

  1. Retrieve the bibliographic or holdings record to which you want to attach an item, or create a new bibliographic or holdings record.
  2. To attach items to holdings records, see Attaching Item Records to a Holdings Record.
  3. To attach items to a bibliographic record, choose Item from the View drop-down list in the Summary tab.
  4. Choose the Attach New Item button in the Summary tab.
  5. Follow the steps described in Entering Data into New Records.

Creating Multiple Item Records

To create multiple item records, the Prompt for Multiple Items check box must be selected in the Admin | Settings | New Records tab.

To create multiple item records:

  1. Retrieve the bibliographic record to which you want to attach an item, or create a new bibliographic record.
  2. In the Summary tab, choose Item from the View drop-down list.
  3. Choose the Attach New Item button in the Summary tab. Sierra opens the New Item Options dialog box.
  4. Select the Multiple Items option, and then fill out the Multiple Items Options as needed:
    1. To attach a barcode to each item, enter a valid barcode into the Beginning Barcode field. Sierra generates a barcode sequentially for each of the items by incrementing the barcode (without the check digit) and adding the appropriate check digit to the new barcode. If your system does not use check digits for barcodes, it simply increments the barcode. For more information on barcodes, see Barcodes: Overview.
    2. To assign volume numbers to the item records, enter the Volume Caption to insert in each item's VOLUME field, for example, vol.), and the First and Last Volume numbers for each copy.
    Creating Multiple Items with no Volume Fields

    To create multiple items that do not contain volume fields, delete the default data that appears in the CAPTION, FIRST VOLUME, and LAST VOLUME data fields.

    1. Sierra automatically selects the Increment Copy Number check box. Leave this check box selected if you want Sierra to assign each successive item record a COPY # value one greater than the COPY # of the previous item record. Numbering begins with the value you enter in the Beginning Copy Number field. Uncheck the Increment Copy Number check box to assign each new item a COPY # value of '1'.
    2. By default, copy numbers increment within a specific location. To number the items consecutively across locations, check Increment Across Locations. For example, you are creating four items with two copies for location "north" and two copies for location "west". If Increment Across Locations is not checked, the copies at "north" are numbered 1 and 2 and the copies at "west" are also numbered 1 and 2. If you check Increment Across Locations, the copies at one location are numbered 1 and 2, and the copies at the other location are numbered 3 and 4. The system increments based on the order you specify in the Location and # Copies fields on this dialog box.
    3. Enter the locations for multiple items and the number of copies for each location. For the example in the previous step, you enter the location "north" and 2 copies on one row, add a new row, and enter the location "west" and 2 copies.
    4. Choose OK to continue or Cancel to cancel new item record creation.
  5. Sierra displays a New Items summary dialog box that contains the records you are about to create, and asks Continue with item creation? Choose Yes to continue or No to go back to the New Item Options window and make changes or cancel the new item record creation.
  6. Follow the steps described in Entering Data into New Records.
  7. Sierra displays a table containing the new items. To change data in any of the items, select the item from the table and choose the Select button.
  8. In the Summary tab choose Save All to save all of the new items.