Creating Holdings Records

To create holdings records, you must be assigned permission 142 (Create checkin records). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Holdings are Checkin Records

When you use monographic holdings, the checkin record is referred to as the holdings record. Any reference to "checkin records" is applicable to the holdings record.

To create a new holdings record:

  1. Create or retrieve a bibliographic record.
  2. In the Summary tab, choose Holdings from the View drop-down list.
  3. Choose Attach New Holdings. Sierra displays the New Holdings window.
  4. Follow the steps described in Entering Data into New Records.

Linking Item Records to Bib and Holdings Records

If your library has acquired Holdings Records for Monographic Material, you can link item records to bibliographic records and to holdings records.

Monographic holdings allows you to:

Linking Item Records to a Holdings Record from the Holdings Record

When your library uses monographic holdings records, you can link one or more item record to a holdings record from the holdings record display. The item and holdings records must be linked to the same bibliographic record.

To attach an item record to a holdings record from the holdings record display:

  1. Choose Catalog from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the bibliographic record to which the holdings record is attached.
  3. In the Summary record view, choose the tab for the holdings record:
  4. To link an existing item record to the holdings record, choose Edit | Link Existing Items. ( The menu option appears when one or more item records are attached to the bibliographic record.) The Select Items to Attach to this Holdings Record dialog box appears.
  5. In the Select Items to Attach to this Holdings Record dialog box, select item record(s).
  6. Choose Attach.
  7. To create a new item record and link it to the bibliographic and holdings record, choose Edit | Attach New Items.
  8. Create and save a new item record. The new item record is linked to the bibliographic and holdings record.

Linking Item Records to a Holdings Record from the Item Record

When your library uses monographic holdings records, you can link an item record to a holdings record from the item record display. The item and holdings records must be linked to the same bibliographic record.

To attach a holdings record to an item record from the item record display:

  1. Choose Catalog from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the bibliographic record to which the item record is attached.
  3. In the Summary record view, choose the tab for the item record.
  4. Select an item record by highlighting it and choosing Select. The item record appears.
  5. Choose Edit | Link Item to Holdings Record ( The menu option appears when one or more holdings records are attached to the bibliographic record.) The Link to Holdings dialog box appears. By default, the system highlights the holdings record with a value in its fixed-length LOCATION field that matches the item's LOCATION value.
  6. Select a holdings record in the Link to Holdings dialog box and then choose Attach. The system links the item and holdings records.

Removing Links Between Holdings and Item Records

When your library uses monographic holdings records, you can remove the link between a holdings record and an item record. The item and holdings records must be linked to the same bibliographic record.

Removing the link between a holdings record and an item record does not delete the records. Removing the link between a holdings record and an item record does not remove their links to the bibliographic record.

To remove a holdings record from an item record, do the following:

  1. Choose Catalog from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the bibliographic record to which the item record is attached.
  3. In the Summary record view, choose the tab for the item record.
  4. Select an item record by highlighting it and choosing Select.
  5. If a holdings record is attached to the item and bibliographic record, you can choose Edit | Unlink Item from Holdings Record. This menu option removes the link between the item and holdings records.