Modifying a Group of Records from the Summary Display

You can modify the same field in multiple records by editing those records as a group from the summary display. You can edit item records, order records, or holdings records as a group, but you can edit only one record type at a time.

To modify a group of records:

  1. Retrieve the bibliographic record that is linked to the records you want to edit.
  2. Choose the Summary tab, and then select the appropriate record type (item, order, or holdings) in the View drop-down list.
  3. Select the records you want to edit by clicking their check boxes.
  4. Choose Edit | Modify Group. The Modify Records dialog box appears.
  5. In the Modify Records dialog box, Status and Record # values appear by default for each record type. Note that Status does not reflect the value of the STATUS field in the records you have selected. It reflects the record's status in terms of being changed. For example, it indicates if an order record is busy and cannot be changed (IN USE), or if a record has been (MODIFIED).

The third value that appears in the Modify Records dialog box is the field you can change. It defaults to the LOCATION field. To choose another field to modify, place your cursor in the Field field and enter the field number (for fixed-length fields) or field group tag (for variable-length fields), or press the Down Arrow key on your keyboard. A list of valid fields appears. Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to scroll through the list, and then press Enter when the correct field is highlighted.

Alternatively, double-click the Field field to open a button grid containing the fields you can update. Click a field button or enter the grid number you see in the upper left corner of the button. When the button is selected, choose OK.

The field you select appears in the Modify Records dialog box.

  1. After you select a field, do one or more of the following to modify the records:
  2. (Optional) Modify the data in another field by repeating the previous two steps.
  3. Choose Save in the Modify Records dialog box to save your changes.
Updating Variable-Length Fields

If a record contains multiple fields of the type being modified, only the first occurrence of that field is modified.

If a record does not contain a variable-length field of the selected type, Sierra adds one using the default MARC tag for fields of that type as defined in your system. If there is no default MARC tag defined, Sierra adds the field as a non-MARC field.

Changing from MARC to non-MARC or non-MARC to MARC

If the field you selected is MARC, you can change it to non-MARC. Choose Edit | Change to non-MARC.

If the field you selected is non-MARC, you can change it to MARC. Choose Edit | Change to MARC.

After converting the field, edit the field data as needed. Choose Save to save the modified records.

Finding and Replacing Data

To find and replace field data in the Modify Records dialog box:

  1. Choose Edit | Find. The Find dialog box appears.
  2. In the Find what box, enter the value for which you want to search. If the field in which you are searching is a fixed-length field, Sierra enables you to select only a replacement value from a list of valid options.
  3. In the Replace with box, enter the replacement value. If the field in which you are searching is a fixed-length field, Sierra enables you to select only a replacement value from a list of valid options.
  4. Choose the search conditions by checking the appropriate Conditions check boxes:
Match whole words Find occurrences of the text as whole words. Note that this check box is selected by default if the field you are updating is a fixed-length field.
Match case Find text having the given pattern of uppercase and lowercase letters.
Wrap search         Continue searching from the beginning of the field after reaching its end, when searching down, or the end after reaching its beginning, when searching up.
  1. Choose the direction in which the search is performed by choosing one of the following Direction radio buttons:
Up Search the field above the insertion point.
Down         Search the field below the insertion point.
  1. Choose one of the following actions to begin replacing data:
Find Next Select the next occurrence of the search text.
Replace Replace the currently selected search text with the replacement text.
Replace All Replace all occurrences of the search text with the replacement text.
  1. When you finish making replacements, choose Close to close the Find dialog box. The records you updated appear as MODIFIED in the Status column of the Modify Records dialog box.

Incrementing Data

By default, you can increment the data in the VOLUME, COPY #, and BARCODE item record fields. Contact Innovative to change or add to the list of fields that have data you can increment. If the field displayed in the Modify Records table is not a field with data that can be incremented, the Increment menu command is disabled.

For systems using the default barcode check digit scheme, Sierra increments the last digit of the barcode that is not the check digit. It then calculates and appends the new check digit. For additional information on barcodes, see Barcodes: Overview.

Note that the incrementing process for any field begins on the record following the record selected in the table. The selected record, and any records that appear before it in the table, are not changed. For example, if the COPY # of the selected item in the table is '3', Sierra leaves that number as it is and changes the COPY # of the next record in the list to '4', and so on. You must verify that the appropriate record is selected in the table before you choose the Increment menu option.

If an order record is busy, it cannot be updated during the incrementing process. However, the busy record is counted, so the non-busy records are incremented correctly.

To increment field data in the Modify Records dialog box:

  1. Choose Edit | Increment. Sierra automatically increments the numeric value in the displayed field for each of the listed records, beginning with the record following the record selected in the Modify Records table.

For barcodes, Sierra increments each barcode by one based upon your system's barcode pattern, then calculates and appends the appropriate check digit.

The records you updated appear as MODIFIED in the Status column of the Modify Records dialog box.

  1. Choose Save to save the modified records.