Searching Selected Database Indexes

To search using this method, choose an index and enter search criteria. Some search criteria, such as the record type to be retrieved, are determined by the application and function. The entire selected index is searched for matches to the search criteria.

To search by title, author, barcode, patron name, record number, etc. (that is, to search an index of the database), you select the index by doing one of the following, depending on the application and function you are working in:

When choosing an index from a menu or by entering an index tag, you enter search criteria after selecting the index.

If your system is configured to limit the type of patron searches users can perform, searching in Circulation's Circulation Desk function may be limited to the barcode index.

When scanning or manually entering a barcode, you are selecting the index and entering the search criteria simultaneously.

Choosing an Index from a Menu

To search for a database record in a selected index:

  1. Enter search terms in the Search text box. If necessary, choose Tools | Search | Browse to display the text box.
  2. Choose an index from the drop-down menu.

    Indexes are configurable by the library during implementation. After implementation, contact Innovative if you want to modify which indexes are available in each application or the order in which the indexes appear.
  3. Choose Search.

    A single matching record will be retrieved and displayed.

    If there are multiple matching records (or no matching records), the system displays a status dialog as it searches and then offers a browse display.

    If the record type is not the type associated with the function, a warning appears and the record will not display.

Selecting an Index by Entering an Index Tag

This method of searching is available when the Scan Barcode box is displayed.

To select an index by entering an index tag:

  1. Put the cursor inside the Scan Barcode text box. (If the cursor is not inside the Scan Barcode text box, click inside the box or press Alt+B.)
  2. Enter the index tag (for example, 'n' for the patron's name).

    If you are searching within the barcode index, you do not have to use the index tag before the search criteria.

    If you are entering record numbers as search criteria, you must enter a period ('.') before the record type prefix (for example, enter .p1103703 to search the patron record number index for record number 1103703).

    If the current function is Circulation Desk, you must retrieve a patron record before retrieving an item record. See Retrieving Patron Records and Retrieving Item Records for more information.
  3. Enter your search criteria.
  4. Begin the search by pressing Enter or choosing the Search button.

    A single matching record will be retrieved and displayed.

    If there are multiple matching records (or no matching records), the system displays a status dialog as it searches and then offers a browse display.

    If the record type is not the type associated with the function, a warning appears and the record will not display.