Retrieving Bibliographic, Item, and Patron Records by Scanning Barcodes

One way to enter search criteria is to scan a barcode. The content of the scanned barcode constitutes the search criteria.

You can also enter barcodes manually. If your library has acquired the Item Status API product, you can use RFID technology to scan barcodes.

There are three types of barcodes (and associated barcode indexes) used to retrieve records:

Scanning SISAC Barcodes

If your library has the optional SISAC (previously known as SICI) barcode searching feature and your PC has an attached barcode reader, you can retrieve a serial's bibliographic record by scanning the SISAC number.

  1. Choose SICI # (s) from the drop-down menu on the search screen.
  2. Scan the SISAC number on the serial issue.
  3. The record is retrieved and displayed.

In Serials' Check In, the Check-in Box dialog prompting you to check in the issue displays if either:

  • your login is configured with the Always show check-in dialog during SISAC checkinSetup option.
  • the box for the issue lacks Enumeration levels or a Cover date.

Scanning Item Barcodes

Circulation Desk

If the current function is Circulation Desk in Circulation or ILL, you must retrieve a patron record before retrieving an item record.

If your PC has an attached barcode reader, you can retrieve an item record by scanning the item's barcode:

  1. Choose barcode (b) from the index drop-down menu on the search screen or put the cursor in the Scan Barcode text box.

    Either the index drop-down menu or the Scan Barcode text box will be available if item records can be retrieved in the application and function.

    If the cursor is not inside the Scan Barcode text box, click inside the box or press Alt+K.
  2. Using the barcode reader attached to your PC, scan the item's barcode.

    The item record is retrieved. Some applications and functions display the record automatically; in others you may need to choose View from the toolbar or View | Item to display the record.

In Circulation and ILL, you are prompted to Create an Item Record On-The-Fly if the Item-on-fly: Allowed & field to set option is set to one of the "ALLOWED" values (for example, "ALLOWED"/"IMESSAGE") and you enter an item barcode that is unused in your database.

Scanning Patron Barcodes

Patron barcodes can be scanned in Circulation Desk, in Selectors, and in Routing (if Serials is configured to use the patron database records for routing).

If your PC has an attached barcode reader, you can retrieve a patron record by scanning the patron's barcode:

  1. Choose barcode (b) from the index drop-down menu on the search screen or put the cursor in the Scan Barcode text box.

    Either the index drop-down menu or the Scan Barcode text box will be available if item records can be retrieved in the application and function.

    If the cursor is not inside the Scan Barcode text box, click inside the box or press Alt+K.
  2. Use the barcode reader to scan the barcode on the patron's library card.

    The record is retrieved and displayed.
Patron Partitioning Feature

If your library has the Patron Partitioning feature enabled, Circulation and ILL may restrict you from retrieving some patron records in Circulation Desk. For more information, see Patron Partitioning and Possible Messages.

In Circulation, you are prompted to Create a Patron Record On-The-Fly if the Patron-on-fly: Allowed & field to set option is set to one of the "ALLOWED" values (for example, "ALLOWED"/"PMESSAGE") and you enter a patron barcode that is unused in your database.

ILL will not allow you to create a patron record on-the-fly regardless of the current setting of the Patron-on-fly: Allowed & field to set Circulation Option. If you want to create a patron record, switch to Circulation Desk and then choose the New icon (see Creating a Patron Record).

Entering Barcodes Manually

When SICI # (s), barcode (b), or patron barcode (b) is selected from the search screen's drop-down menu of indexes, SISAC numbers or barcodes can be entered manually in the text box.

When the Scan Barcode text box is available (Circulation only), the barcode can be entered manually in the Scan Barcode text box.

If the record type for the barcode is not the type associated with the function, a warning appears and the record will not display.

If you enter a barcode that does not conform to your library's barcode pattern, the system gives an error:

This is not a valid index.

The system also gives an error if your library uses barcode validity checking and you input a barcode with an invalid check digit:

Illegal barcode appears.

Circulation Desk

If the current function is Circulation Desk in Circulation and ILL, you must retrieve a patron record before retrieving an item record.