Creating Patron Records On-The-Fly

The Patron-on-fly: Allowed & field to set circulation option must be set to one of the "ALLOWED" values (for example, "ALLOWED/PMESSAGE") to enable this feature.

To enable the Sierra system to indicate whether a patron record was created on-the-fly, the Patron-on-fly: Code is circulation option must be set to a valid value.

To create a patron record on-the-fly, you must be assigned permissions 91 (Edit patron in check-out) and 162 (Create patron records).

Creating Patron Records in ILL

ILL will not allow you to create a patron record on-the-fly. Instead, you must create a patron record by choosing the New icon (see Creating a Patron Record).

To create a patron record on-the-fly:

  1. Choose Circulation Desk from the Function list.
  2. Scan a new, unused patron barcode. If you have an existing patron record open, Sierra will attempt to create an item record on-the-fly rather than a patron record. If you accidentally start to create an item record, choose the Close icon to exit. Then close the patron record and rescan the unused patron barcode.
    If your library has...then...
    more than one patron record template, and
    the setting Prompt for template or Always prompt for template is selected in the On-the-Fly Records user settings,
    select a patron record template from the Select Template list.
    only one patron record template, or
    a template is selected in the On-the-Fly Records user settings, or
    a template was selected previously in the session while creating records of this type, or
    the Patron-on-fly: Defaults for on-the-fly Patron records Circulation Option specifies a patron template
    Sierra automatically uses that template.
  3. Follow the steps described in Entering Data into New Records.

    When you Save the record, the new patron record appears in the main window.
Indicating a Patron Record Was Created On-The-Fly

You can enable your system to set the patron record's PMESSAGE fixed-length field value to a pre-defined code each time you create a patron record on-the-fly.

If you have configured the Patron-on-fly: Allowed & field to set and Patron-on-fly: Code is circulation options, when you retrieve a patron record created on-the-fly in one of the Circulation Desk tabs, the system displays the message:


This message alerts library staff that further editing of the patron record might be required.