Entering Data into New Records

After you access the correct function (and additional menu options, if necessary) for creating a record of the desired type (see Creating Records: Process Overview), Sierra offers you one or more record templates. Entering values in each field of the template and saving the record creates the record in Sierra's database.

Setting Default Fields and Values

When entering new records, the fields and their default values come from the record templates. If you change the value of one of the fields during new record creation, for some fields, such as LOCATION or COPIES, subsequent new records entered during the same session default to the values you entered. You can contact Innovative to specify which fields remember new values, or to see which fields on your system currently remember new values.

Specifying Available Templates

You can use the New Records and Record Templates tabs in Admin | Settings to specify which templates can be used to create records.

  1. Select a template for the new record:
    If your library has...then...
    more than one record template, and
    the setting Prompt for template is selected in the Admin | Settings | New Records tab,
    select a record template from the Select Template list.
    only one record template, or
    a template is selected in the Admin | Settings | New Records tab, or
    a template was selected previously in the session while creating records of this type,
    Sierra automatically uses that template.

    If your login's Use wizard to create new records Edit option is enabled, Sierra offers a "wizard" (a series of dialogs for entering data into fields of the template you selected).
  2. Enter data into each field (see Maintaining Records). If using the wizard, choose Next to proceed to the next field.
    To exit without creating the record, choose Cancel New Record Creation.
  3. Save your changes.
    Sierra creates the new record in its database.
See also:
Managing Templates for New Records