Barcodes: Overview

The Innovative system uses barcodes to uniquely identify patron and item records. For more information about barcodes, see the following:

How the System Stores Barcodes

Barcode Patterns

INN-Reach Barcodes

Check Digits and Barcode Validity Checking

How the System Stores Barcodes

Typically, patron barcodes are stored in the P BARCODE field, and item barcodes are stored in the BARCODE field. Sierra stores both patron and item barcodes in the same index, typically the BARCODE (b) index. Depending on your system configuration, other fields can be added to the barcode index. For example, if your library allows patrons to create Alternate IDs for WebPAC, alternate IDs are indexed in the barcode index.

Barcode Patterns

The Innovative system is very flexible in its handling of patron and item barcodes. Innovative can configure the system to recognize virtually any alphanumeric pattern, such as a student ID or social security number, as a valid barcode. In functions where the Scan Barcode text box is available (for example, the Circulation Desk function), when you enter a character string that matches your library's barcode pattern, the system automatically recognizes it as a barcode and searches the barcode index.

Contact Innovative to find out how your patron and item barcodes are currently defined, or to make changes to your barcode pattern. Innovative can set up different barcode patterns for patron and item barcodes.

Innovative does not assign barcode patterns or recommend any particular barcode format. However, if you are considering changing your barcode pattern, keep the following in mind as you choose a pattern:

INN-Reach Barcodes

Barcodes for INN-Reach items originate at the owning sites and are stored at patron sites in virtual item records. The barcode format corresponds to the configuration of barcodes at the owning site. As a result, it is recommended that INN-Reach sites turn off validity checking.

Check Digits and Barcode Validity Checking

Many libraries use barcodes with check digits. A check digit is a special computed digit in the barcode that enables the system to determine if a barcode has been read or entered correctly. Unlike the check digit 'a' for record numbers, there is no universal character you can substitute for the check digit in a barcode. The barcode must include the actual check digit.

If your library's barcodes contain check digits, Innovative can enable barcode validity checking. When barcode validity checking is enabled, the system checks whether the barcode's check digit is correct when you do any of the following:

The Innovative system supports barcode validity checking for the following check digit schemes only:

Check with your barcode vendor to determine which check digit scheme is used in your library's barcodes.

When you create, edit, or circulate with a record containing a non-standard barcode, validity checking returns an error message. For example:

Illegal barcode.

You can avoid barcode validity errors in either of the following ways:

Barcode Validity Checking: An Example

A typical barcode consists of 14 digits in the following pattern:

Example barcode

In this example, the barcode uses a modulus 10 (Mod-10) complementary check digit. The check digit derives from the barcode as follows:

Mod-10 Algorithms Differ Among Vendors

The method for calculating a Mod-10 check digit can differ from vendor to vendor. Check with your barcode vendor to determine if their algorithm matches the algorithm used here.

  1. Starting with the second digit from the left, add every other digit. Using the example barcode above (without the check digit):

    Add every other digit

  2. Multiply each of the remaining digits by 2. If any product has two digits, add the digits to produce a single-digit number. Sum the results:

    Add numbers together

  3. Add the results from steps 1 and 2. In the example:

    16 + 30 = 46

  4. Subtract the units digit obtained in step 3 from the number 10. The result is the check digit. In the example:

    10 - 6 = 4

4 is the check digit for the example barcode.