Patron Partitioning

Innovative can configure the system to limit which patron records staff can retrieve. (By default, staff can retrieve any patron record.) If the Patron Partitioning feature is enabled, when a staff member tries to retrieve a patron record, the system determines if the Locations Served to which the staff member's login is assigned has access to the patron record. If the login has access, the system retrieves the patron record. If not, a warning message displays.

To have this feature enabled at your library, contact Innovative. You will need to specify the Locations Served that should be restricted from accessing all patron records and to which other Locations Served, if any, the restricted Locations Served should have access. For example, you can specify that staff members that are assigned to the Locations Served main and nwest can access each other's patron records (i.e., retrieve any patron records whose HOME LIBR fixed-length field contains a branch that is assigned to the Locations Served main or nwest).

Staff whose logins are assigned to unrestricted Locations Served will retain the ability to retrieve any patron record.