New Records Settings

The New Records tab provides options for creating new records in Sierra.

For settings that apply to creating records on-the-fly, see On-the-Fly Records.

Options for Order View

Show Selection List
Select this check box to specify whether the Selection List tab appears for order records.

Options for New Item Records

Prompt for Multiple Items
Select this check box to specify that a prompt for multiple items appears during creation of new item records. If this check box is not selected, a single item is created by default.
Set login default to NOT print labels when creating Multiple Items
Select this check box to suppress the label printing dialog box when creating multiple items. Choose this option only if you do not print labels when creating multiple items.

Options for New Holdings Records

Create checkin card when creating holdings record
Select this check box to specify that a checkin card should be created when a new holdings record is created. If this check box is not selected, no checkin card is created by default.

Options for New Order Records

Don't ask these questions when creating new order records
If this check box is not selected, a dialog containing the following options appears each time you use the Invoice, Orders, Rapid Receive, or Recommendations function. Select this check box to choose default options and prevent the dialog from displaying automatically.
Use Today's Date as Order Date?
If this check box is selected, today's date appears as the order date. If the check box is not selected, you can enter a different date after the order record has been created.
Use Today's Date as Received Date?
If this check box is selected, today's date appears as the received date in the order record's RDATE field. If the check box is not selected, the RDATE field remains blank.
Queue Purchase Orders for records?
If this check box is selected, purchase orders are queued for printing in the Send function.

New Record Templates

You can select default templates for creating the following record types:

If you prefer to choose a template at the time of record creation you can select one of the following options for each record type listed above:

Prompt for template
The system prompts you to select from a list of templates when you start the new record session. Available templates appear in alphabetical order by template code. This template remains in effect for the duration of the session.
Always prompt for template
The system prompts you to select a template for each new record you create.

If you have selected a list of preferred templates, only those templates appear in the list for each record type.

Records to attach to new bibliographic records
Choose the record types to be attached automatically when you create a new bibliographic record.
When creating a program record, automatically prompt for section record? (Program Registration only)
Select this box if you want Program Registration to automatically display the section record template prompts after entering a program record.