Record Templates Settings

In the Record Templates tab, you can build a custom list of templates to be used when you create records. When you build a list of Preferred Templates, these templates are not saved to your local PC but are accessible to you wherever you log in.

If "Prompt for template" is enabled on the Admin | Settings | New Records tab, your list of Preferred Templates appears whenever you create a new record.

While the number of templates you can create is not limited, the Preferred Templates list is limited to a total of 150 preferred templates for all record types per login.

In the Record Templates tab, you also can create, edit, and delete templates. For more information, see Managing Record Templates.

To create or maintain a list of Preferred Templates:

  1. Choose the Record Templates tab from Admin | Settings.
  2. In the Record Templates window, choose a record type from the Record Type drop-down.
  3. You can view a template by double-clicking the template name in the Preferred Templates or Other Templates list, or by selecting the template and then clicking View. The template displays in a record template window.
  4. Add to or remove from your list of Preferred Templates:
Add to your list Select the template in the Other Templates list and click the left arrow.
Remove from your list Select the template in the Preferred Templates list and click the right arrow.

To move multiple templates at the same time, select the templates by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking the templates' names. Then choose the appropriate arrow button.

  1. You can display a template by double-clicking its name in either the Preferred Templates or Other Templates list. If you are assigned permission to edit templates, the template appears in editable form. If you are not assigned permission to edit templates, the template appears in read-only form. For more information, see Editing Record Templates.
  2. When you have finished adding to or removing preferred templates, choose OK to save the settings for the current session only. To save your preferred templates lists for the current and subsequent sessions, choose Save Settings, and then choose OK.
See also:
Creating Record Templates
Editing Record Templates
Deleting Record Templates