Sorting Course Reserve Lists

To sort course reserve lists, set the Reserves: Sort items on reserve manually circulation option to "YES".

When you add records to a course, the system automatically sorts them by title and displays them in this order in both Sierra and WebPAC. If you want to display the records in a different order (for example, the order in which patrons should read the articles), you can sort the course reserve list. To sort a course reserve list:

  1. Choose Course Reserves from the Function list.
  2. Retrieve the course record whose reserve list you want to sort.
  3. Select the records you want to reposition and choose Move. An Enter Target Row dialog box displays.
  4. Enter the number of the row to which you want to move the selected records.
  5. To move the selected entries, choose OK. To retain the current list order, choose Cancel.
  6. Repeat these steps for each record or group of records you want to reposition in the course reserve list.

If you add a new record after sorting the reserve list, the system adds the new entry to the bottom of the list. You can re-sort the list with the Move button at any time.

Sorting Course Reserve Lists by Column

The system does not save column sort order changes and does not reflect column changes in WebPAC.