Printing Course Reserve Lists

After adding bibliographic and item records to a course reserve reading list, you can use the SDA to print the list of materials assigned to the course.

A printed course reserve list provides information about the item or items on reserve for the specified course, and can include the following elements:

Professor/ Instructor
The value of the PROF/TA course record variable-length field associated with the course record.
Course Name/Number
The value of the COURSE course record variable-length field associated with the course record.
The date the course reserve list was printed.
The title of the course material.
The barcode of the course material.
Call Number
The call number of the course material. Note that if you enabled the Display course name as call number Course Reserve functionality when assigning course reserve settings, the system writes the value of the COURSE field to a CALL # field in the item or bib when the item goes on active reserve.
The author of the course material.
Item Status
The active or inactive status of the course reserve material. (Note that in course reserves, "status" refers to the record's course reserve status, not to the value in an item's STATUS fixed-length field.)
Active Until Date
Date that item is no longer on reserve for the course.
Item Location
The value of the course reserve material's LOCATION fixed-length field (or the LOCATION field in each item attached to the bibliographic record) while the record is on active reserve.
Number of Checkouts
Number of times the item has been checked out while on active reserve. See Retaining the Number of Checkouts from Reserve Circulation for more information.