Creating Item Records in Course Reserves

To enter Course Reserves, you must be assigned permissions 48 (Course reserves) and 171 (View course records). To create item records, you must be assigned permission 122 (Create item records). To create bibliographic records, you must be assigned permission 102 (Create bibliographic records).

To create an item record in Course Reserves:

  1. Choose Course Reserves from the Function list.
  2. Choose the Options | Key a bibliographic-item record menu option. Sierra displays the Key a bibliographic-item record dialog.
  3. In the Key a bibliographic-item record dialog, choose a bibliographic record to which the item will be attached. To create a new bibliographic record, choose File | New Record | Bibliographic record (see Creating Bibliographic Records in Course Reserves). To attach new items to an existing bibliographic record, search for an existing record.
    After you create or retrieve a bibliographic record, Sierra displays the New Item tab of the bibliographic record in the Key a bibliographic-item record dialog.
  4. Follow the steps described in Entering Data into New Records.

To create and attach another item record to the same bibliographic record:

  1. In the Summary tab, choose Item from the View drop-down list.
  2. Choose Attach New Item. Sierra displays the New Item window.
  3. Follow the steps described in Entering Data into New Records.
  4. Choose Save All from the bibliographic record's Summary tab when you have created all of the attached records.
See also:
Managing Templates for New Records
Creating Bibliographic Records in Course Reserves