Importing Order Information

You can import order information from an order record into an item record. This enables you to retain order record information after the order record itself has been deleted. Your library can choose the variable-length field into which the order information is imported. Contact Innovative to specify this field on your system.

Note that you can only import order information from an order record that contains data in a PAID field. If an order record does not contain PAID data, the record is not available for selection.

To import order record information into an item record:

  1. Retrieve the bibliographic record to which the item is linked.
  2. Choose the Summary tab, and then choose Item in the View drop-down list.
  3. Select the item into which you want to import order information, and then choose Select.
  4. Choose Edit | Import Order Information. A new Sierra window opens that displays the orders attached to your current record.
  5. Select an order record from the list, and then choose Use Selected Order.

Alternatively, if you want to import order data from an order record attached to another bibliographic record, choose Browse from the toolbar and retrieve that record. Select an order record from the list, and then choose Use Selected Order.

  1. Sierra displays the Payments tab of the order record. Select a PAID field from the list by choosing its line number in the # column, and then choose the Use button.

If multiple funds were used for the selected order record, you are prompted to select one of those funds to include in the imported order information. Select one of the funds from the list, and then choose OK. Sierra imports the order record's data into the item record.

MARC Subfield Data Mapping

The following table indicates the MARC subfield into which data is mapped in the order information field:

Order data MARC subfield
Order Record Number a
Vendor Invoice number b
Invoice Date c
Voucher Number d
Date Paid e
Amount Paid- Local Currency f
Amount Paid - Foreign Currency g
User-Supplied Paid Note u
System-Generated Paid Note v

The system does not create empty subfields in the order information field if order data for that subfield does not exist. The contents of subfield a, the order record number, can be indexed. The order record number in the item record does not include a check digit. Also, the system calculates the currency amounts that appear in subfields f and g to show the price per copy, not the total amount paid.

A site can request that item records containing an order information field be protected from deletion. To delete a protected record, you must first delete any order information fields, save your changes, and then delete the item record.

See also:
Exporting PAID Fields