Exporting Records from a Review File List

Create Lists enables you to export selected fields from a review file to a delimited file sent to the client PC. You can import the file into many PC applications, such as spreadsheets and databases.

To export selected fields from the records in a review file:

  1. Choose Create Lists from the Function list.
  2. Select the row of the review file that contains the data you want to export.
  3. Choose Export Records. The Export Format dialog box opens.
  4. (Optional) Choose Apply Saved Export to select a saved set of export parameters.
  5. Double-click the Type box and choose a record type from the pop-up window.
  6. Double-click the Field box and choose a field from the pop-up window. Note that you can export specific MARC fields and subfields by entering the "!" character in the Field box. Enter your MARC field criteria (including indicators and subfields if desired) in the same format used for MARC field searching when creating a review file.
    Limit by PAID Field Date Range

    Create Lists enables you to select PAID fields based on Paid Date or Invoice date when exporting a list of order records. When you choose to export fields from order records and select the PAID field, the Limit Paid Field Selection dialog box opens. To limit the exported list to PAID field data from a specific time period:

    1. Select the Limit payments to a time period check box.
    2. Select whether to limit by Paid Date or Invoice Date.
    3. Specify a time period.
    4. Choose OK to return to the Export Format dialog box.
    5. If you do not want to limit the exported PAID field data to a specific time period, click Cancel to close the dialog box.

    For more information, see Exporting PAID Fields.

  7. (Optional) Choose Append to add another field to the list, and repeat the previous two steps. Alternatively, choose Insert to add a field before the selected field, and repeat the previous two steps. You can specify a maximum of 32 fields to export. The fields are exported in the order in which they appear in the Fields to be exported table.
  8. (Optional) Remove a field to be exported by selecting its row and choosing Delete.
  9. Choose the formatting details of the exported list. You can specify the following information:

If you export the PAID field from the order record, you should not choose delimiters that might appear in the data. For more information, see Exporting PAID Fields below.

  1. (Optional) Choose Save This Export to save your export parameters for use on additional review files. Saved parameter sets can include a maximum of 32 fields.
  2. Do one of the following:
  3. Sierra Desktop Application

    1. Click Browse to open the Choose output file dialog box.

    2. Specify a name for the review file data to export and click Save. Be sure to note the location to which you saved the file.

    3. In the export records dialog box, click OK to export the review file data. While the system exports the review file, it offers a Cancel button that enables you to stop the export and return to the Create Lists Review Files tab.

    Sierra Web

    1. In the Export Records dialog box, click Export. Sierra Web opens the Exporting records message box and displays the message "Preparing file for download".

    2. (Optional) Click Cancel if you wish to stop the export and return to the Create Lists Review Files tab.
    3. Sierra Web displays the message "Ready to download" in the Exporting records message box when the file processing is complete. Click Download to save your file to your local PC.

Formatting an Exported List

Use the following options in the Export Format dialog box to format an exported list:

Field delimiter
The delimiter between fields in the exported file. The default is a comma.
Reserved <TAB> Key

The <TAB> key is reserved for moving the system's focus from one element to another in a Sierra dialog box. If you need to use the <TAB> character as the field delimiter, enter it by choosing the Control character option and typing 9 (this is the ASCII value for the <TAB> character).

Text qualifier
The delimiter for text fields in the exported file. The default is the quote character. This character precedes and follows each text field.
Repeated field delimiter
The delimiter between repeated fields of the same type. The default is a semicolon. When exporting repeating fields from records which are attached to the records in your review file (for example, repeating fields in item records attached to the bibliographic records in your review file), Sierra uses the repeated field delimiter to separate all targeted field values, whether they come from a single record or more than one record.
Maximum field length
The maximum number of characters exported from each field. By default there is no limit.
Output filename
The name and path to the exported file on the client PC. You can type a path and filename, such as C:\ExportFiles\SpanishBooks, or use the Browse button to open a file selection dialog box that enables you to select a directory and enter a filename.

Exporting PAID Fields

Using the export feature in Create Lists, you can output the PAID field data from the order record to a delimited file. With this file, you can view the individual elements of the PAID field in separate columns using the third-party application of your choice.

To export the PAID field, follow the steps above. When choosing the options on the Export Format dialog box, be sure to follow the usage guidelines below. Create Lists exports all elements in the PAID field, including:

Note that you cannot export individual PAID field elements separately.

Usage Guidelines

When exporting PAID fields, Innovative recommends following the guidelines below to ensure that the resulting spreadsheet is formatted correctly.

  • If you select a field before the PAID field in the list of fields to export, make sure that the field appears once in every record in the review file. Create Lists does not insert blank columns if a field doesn't occur in a record, which can cause the PAID fields not to line up properly in the spreadsheet.
  • Do not select a field after the PAID field in the list of fields to export. Because the total number of PAID fields is variable between order records, each row in the spreadsheet might have a different number of columns.
  • Avoid choosing a field delimiter that might be in the data you are outputting. These include the comma (,), period (.), dollar sign ($), forward slash (/), and backward slash (\).

After you have exported the file, you can open it on your workstation using the third-party application of your choice. Depending on which application you use, you might need to open the application first and then open the file using the application itself. By doing so, you can use the application's file import wizard (for example, Excel's Text Import Wizard), which allows you to select the appropriate delimiters to ensure that the application parses and displays the data correctly. If you use a different field and repeated field delimiter, make sure that both delimiters are specified in your application's import wizard.

Create Lists outputs the selected fields so that all data associated with a single order appears in its own row in the spreadsheet. If the order has multiple PAID fields, they appear after each other in the row. The system does not output repeating fields in separate rows. The system also outputs column headers for the PAID field elements. These headers are the same as those used for the PAID field display on the Payments tab when viewing an order record.

Some spreadsheet applications are limited to a specific number of columns. Because Create Lists outputs all PAID fields from an order record to a single row, some data might be truncated for order records with many PAID fields. If this is the case, your application might display a warning message. The exact number of fields that can appear before truncation varies based on the application.

For example, if an order record has 60 PAID fields, the data output from the system would contain more columns than the 256 limit used by Excel. In this case, Excel would display a File not loaded completely message.

Sample Exported List

A portion of a sample export file, exported from a review file containing bibliographic records whose LANG field equals "frc", appears below. This sample uses the default delimiters and text qualifier. The AUTHOR, TITLE, MATERIAL TYPE, CALL NUMBER, and LOCATION fields were chosen for export. This information appears on the first line of the exported file. Note that the third exported item contains two title fields, which are separated by the default repeated field delimiter, a semicolon.

   "Lanctot, Gustave, 1883-","Le Canada et la revolution Americaine","-","F 1031 .L3","main "
   "Grétry, André Ernest Modeste, 1741-1813","Lucile [sound recording]","j","MO 12 .G7 L8 1975","south"
   "Charpentier, Gustave, 1860-1956","Louise. French";"Louise  [opera in four acts]","j","MO 12 .C43 L6r","univ "

Saving Export Parameters

You can review the export parameter sets saved on your system in the Saved Exports tab of Create Lists. Select an Export Name in the lower portion of the tab to see the corresponding saved settings in the upper portion of the tab.

Select (check) the Template check box to make the saved criteria available to Create Lists Limited users.

Choose New to create a new set of parameters you can apply to review files.

Choose Edit to alter the selected parameter set.

Choose Delete to delete the selected parameter set.