Using Saved Search Templates as a Limited User

To work with saved search templates as a Limited user, you must be assigned permission 640 (Create Lists Limited). Users assigned permission 640 cannot create or modify saved search templates. Note that if you are assigned permission 018 (Create Lists), the system ignores permission 640. Limited users must be assigned permissions to view and manipulate the record types with which they work. Such permissions include 101 (View bibliographic records), 121 (View item records), 104 (Update bibliographic records), 124 (Update item records), and so forth. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Limited users can perform searches with saved search templates created by a Template Administrator. Sierra automatically defines the basic search operators, based on the template, and does not allow modification of those operators. Limited users can specify parameters for each defined search operation, such as a range of dates or a location, in the Value A and Value B columns of the search criteria table.

Limited users can:

Note that Limited users cannot view, sort, list, or export result data from review files authored by other users.

Searching with a Saved Search Template

  1. Choose Create Lists from the Function list.
  2. In the Review Files tab, select an empty review file or file to overwrite, and then choose the Search Records button.

If you choose a review file that is not empty, the system warns that you will overwrite the existing file. Choose Yes to overwrite the file or No to return to the list of review files.

  1. In the Retrieve Query window, click a saved search template to use and choose the Select button. The Boolean Search window appears.
  2. In the Boolean Search window, enter a name for the review file. The name can include up to 50 characters.
  3. Enter search parameters in the Value A and Value B columns, as appropriate.
  4. Choose Search to begin.

Viewing Search Result Data

  1. In the Review Files tab of Create Lists, double-click the row of the review file containing the records you want to view. Alternatively, you can select a review file, and then choose the Show Records button.
Busy Review Files

If you choose Show Records for a review file that another user currently has open, the system displays a WARNING message. When you click OK, you can view the review file contents, but you cannot sort, list, add, remove, dedupe, or otherwise alter the review file. You can select a record from the review file and open it for editing.

  1. The system displays a list of the records by record number and title or patron name. To view a particular record, double-click its row.