Setting Review File Authorship and Ownership

If review file ownership is enabled on your system, you must be assigned permission 018 (Create lists) to set ownership of a review file. To release ownership of a review file, you must be the file's owner (as indicated in the Login column) or be assigned permission 186 (List Administrator). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Create BOOLEAN lists: password review files Database Maintenance option enables password protection for review files. If you set this option to "NO," the system enables any user to modify or delete any review file. If you set this option to "YES," the system enables only users with permission 186 (List Administrator) to modify or delete review files that they do not own.

The Login column of the Review Files tab indicates review file authorship or ownership. When a user creates a review file, the system associates the author's login with that file. The author's login name appears in black text. If your library uses the file ownership feature, red italic text indicates ownership. The Login column is blank for empty or unowned review files. The word System, in green text, in the Login column indicates a review file created by the Innovative system.

With the ownership feature enabled, you can:

Setting Ownership of a Review File

You can take ownership of any file that is not already owned. If another user already owns the file, that ownership must be released before you can assume ownership.

To set ownership of a review file:

  1. Select Create Lists from the Function list.
  2. Select an unowned review file by selecting its row.
  3. Click Own on the toolbar. The system adds the current login name to the Login column. The login name appears in red italics.

Releasing Ownership of a Review File

To release ownership of a review file:

  1. Select Create Lists from the Function list.
  2. Select an owned review file, that is, one with a red italic login name in the Login column.
  3. Click Release on the toolbar. The system clears the Login column. If the file had an author, the author's login name appears in black text.