Database maintenance

The following database maintenance options can be set by authorized staff. Click on any of the linked options for an explanation of that option. Default values are listed with each option.

When you choose Database maintenance, the following options appear:

01 > MARC format validity tables..............................Choose to view
02 > Heading Report: First time use fields...............................a,d
03 > Heading Report: Duplicate use fields..............................o,c,b
04 > Heading Report: Blind references include subdivisions................NO
05 > Limit Heading Changed Reports to records with CAT DATE..............YES
06 > New Records: Always check for duplication for record types.........NONE
07 > New Bib Record: Duplicate check on fields...........................k,o
08 > New Item Record: Duplicate check on fields............................b
09 > New Item Record (Multiple): Increment copy number...................ASK
10 > New Item Record (Multiple): Restart copy number with each location...NO
11 > Label specifications.....................................Choose to view
12 > Spine Label..............................................Choose to view
13 > Pocket
14 > Chinese titles, print 880 title if it exists.........................NO
15 > Define batch label queues..................MAT TYPE,-ij,ab,cdef,gh,kmno
16 > Number of seconds for which password is valid........................10
17 > Use PASSWORDS and AUTHORIZATIONS functions 101-199...................NO
18 > Substitution phrases.....................................Choose to view
19 > "Create Lists" searches:  Pause every <n> records...............NOT SET
20 > ISBN validity check on Bib field(s)................................NONE
21 > Edit Location Map........................................Choose to view
22 > Edit overlay priority list...............................Choose to view
23 > Edit overlay protection list.............................Choose to view
24 > Change defaults used in record loading...................Choose to view
25 > Date prompt: Format of year prompt.................................20yr
26 > Create BOOLEAN lists: show braced form of diacritics.................NO
27 > Create BOOLEAN lists: password review files..........................NO
28 > Edit Central Database item subfield map..................Choose to view
29 > Set netLibrary code...................................................@
30 > Paper type for labels..............................................BOTH
31 > Email Note...........................................................NO
32 > Create BOOLEAN lists: scope during range..............................N
33 > Email backup errors......................................Choose to view
34 > WebBridge statistics limit...............................Choose to view
35 > Automatic Authority Control for local subject headings..............YES
36 > Automatic Authority Control: Update names in name/title fields......YES
37 > Enable extended browse when no search results are retrieved.........YES
38 > Create BOOLEAN lists: use template files............................YES
39 > Call number fields: allow storage in non-numerical order............YES
40 > Default for Secure FTP checkbox..........................Choose to view
41 > Enable Print Templates...............................................NO
42 > Login: Enable Password Policies.....................................YES
  Key a number or
  R > RETURN to System Options menu
  Choose one (1-42,R)

For the Heading Report: First time use fields and Heading Report: Duplicate use fields options, enter a list of one-letter Innovative index tags such as 'a' for AUTHOR in the Heading Report: First time use fields option or 'b' for BARCODE in the Heading Report: Duplicate use fields option. For the New Records: Always check for duplication for record types and New Bib Record: Duplicate check on fields options, enter a list of one-letter Innovative field group tags. Note that although the index tag and field group tag are very often the same, for example 't' for the title field group and 't' for the title index, they sometimes differ. Use commas to separate the letters or, optionally, omit them. Spaces cannot be entered. Press Enter while the entry line is blank to turn the option off.

The Heading Report: First time use fields, Heading Report: Duplicate use fields, and Limit Heading Changed Reports to records with CAT DATE options apply only if your library has the Automatic Authority Processing product. This product enables Sierra to maintain lists of heading changes that might need attention from catalogers.