Edit Location Map

Use this option to edit the Location Map table. This table controls which MARC tag values map to Sierra bibliographic and item record location codes during a database record load. When you choose this option, the system displays a table similar to the following:

                                 LOCATION MAP 
01 > CPE                FIN                mper             moff 
02 > THY                GUY                mmed             mres 
03 > THM                GUM                q 
04 > NPK                RIY                mmed             mref 
05 > PRI                                   mstk 
06 > FFF                                   mstk 
07 > DDD                                   mper 
08 > EEE                                   mres 
09 > TRI                                   mref 
10 > FER                                   mmed 
11 > ABC                                   mmic
Key a line number to edit an entry, or                                        
F > FORWARD           J > JUMP                  D > DELETE entries            
B > BACKWARD          A > ADD an entry          + > ADDITIONAL options        
Choose one (1-17,F,B,J,A,D,P,R,+)

Each line in the table contains mapping information for different values of a library-specified MARC tag. As the system loads records, it searches for combinations of values in subfields 'a' and 'b' of the MARC tag. These values are specified by SUBFIELD A and SUBFIELD B in the table. When the system finds one of the indicated combinations, it inserts the BIB LOCATION value in the bibliographic record and the ITEM LOCATION value in the item record.

Innovative Setup

Although the library determines which MARC tag to use for mapping location data, Innovative must set up the MARC tag in the load table.

The following options are available when editing the Location Map table:

Enter a line number to edit an entry

Enter a line number to edit the mapping information for a particular table entry. A screen similar to the following appears:

                                  LOCATION MAP

    Field:                 Current Value: 
1 > SUBFIELD A             CPE 
2 > SUBFIELD B             FIN 
3 > BIB LOCATION           mper 
4 > ITEM LOCATION          moff 

Key a number or                                                               
P > PRINT                                                                     
R > RETURN to previous menu                                                   
Choose one (1-4,P,R)

Enter a number to edit one of the values of the four fields. You must enter a value for SUBFIELD A. If you fail to do so, the system warns:

SUBFIELD A can't be left blank. You must enter a value for this field
or the new location mapping will not be set.
Press <SPACE> to continue

You must also enter a value for either BIB LOCATION or ITEM LOCATION. The following message appears if you leave both LOCATION fields blank:

You must enter AT LEAST ONE of the location fields
Press <SPACE> to continue

SUBFIELD B is optional. Also note that the values of SUBFIELD A and SUBFIELD B are limited to 10 characters each. The values of BIB LOCATION and ITEM LOCATION are limited to 5 characters each.

A > ADD an entry

Press A to add an entry to the table. The system prompts:

Insert new entry at what position in the list? (1-18) _

Specify the position for the new entry. The system then prompts you to enter values for each of the four fields. Again, you must specify values for SUBFIELD A and at least one of the LOCATION fields.

D > DELETE entries

Press D to delete entries from the table. The system prompts:

Delete which entries? (Hit <RETURN> when finished)
Example: 3 or 1,7,3 or 2-5 or 1,4,7-10 Range: 1-17

Enter the line numbers of the entries to delete, and the system asks you to confirm:

Delete the entries entered above? (y/n)

Other Menu Options

While editing the Location Map table, you also have the option to PRINT the table, move FORWARD or BACKWARD in the table, or JUMP to a specific entry. After editing or viewing the table, choose R > RETURN to Database maintenance menu to quit. If you made any changes, the system asks you to verify your changes:

Make changes permanent? (y/n)