Date prompt: Format of year prompt

Admin Corner Only

This option only affects Admin Corner. Sierra always presents the "year" portion of a date prompt as "20 ", though you can backspace over the "20" to override it. This is equivalent to choice 2, described below.

This option sets the default system prompt for entry of the "year" portion of a date in Admin Corner. When this option is selected, the system presents the following choices:

1 > 19yr through 12/31/99; 20yr starting 01/01/00

If the current system date is earlier than January 1, 2000, then the "year" portion of the system prompt for a date is "19yr" (e.g., "mo-dy-19yr" in the United States). If the current system date is January 1, 2000 or later, then the "year" portion of this prompt is "20yr". In either case, the user may backspace over the "19" or "20" to override this default.

2 > 20yr

The default for the "year" portion of a date prompt is always "20yr", no matter what the current system date is. The user may backspace over the "20" to override this default.

3 > year

The system always prompts for entry of the full four-digit year (e.g., "mo-dy-year" in the United States). The user must enter the complete four-digit year.