ISBN validity check on Bib field(s)

Libraries can set their systems to validate ISBNs (International Standard Book Number) as staff create and save new bibliographic records or save changes to existing bibliographic records. The validation process tests the ISBNs against a numeric formula and, therefore, determines whether you entered a valid ISBN. This function does not determine whether the ISBN is the correct number for that particular title.

When you select ISBN validity check on Bib field, you see:

ISBN validity check on Bib field
Validity check ISBN(s) when keying new records or editing existing records
Current Fields: NONE

Enter the one letter tag of the field to validity check for ISBN
or <RETURN> for none: _

The option is initially set to "NONE," which means the validity-checking function is turned off.

To enable this option, enter the one-letter Innovative field tag the library uses for the ISBN. For example, if 'i' is the tag the library uses for the ISBN, enter 'i' at the prompt. Subsequently, if you try saving an invalid ISBN to a bibliographic record, the system displays an error message and offers options to continue.

For example, if you enter "1212121212" for the ISBN and try saving the record, you see the following message:

ISBN 1212121212 is not valid
Press <SPACE> to continue

Press Space, and the following menu options appear:

M > MAKE changes to BIBLIOGRAPHIC permanent
E > EXIT without updating record
R > RETURN to editing of record

Choose M to save the invalid ISBN to the bibliographic record, E to exit without updating the bibliographic record, or R to return to the bibliographic record to enter a different ISBN.

ISBN validity-checking does not work if you try saving an ISBN less than 9 digits long or greater than 13 digits long.