Edit overlay priority list

Use this option to edit the "Overlay Priority List" for the MARC record load tables used during database record loads.

During a record load, the system uses MARC record load tables to determine whether to overlay or protect existing records in the database. Each MARC record load table contains a variety of rules which govern the process of record overlay. Many of these rules are "comparison rules," meaning that the system compares the values of a specified MARC tag in both the existing and incoming records. The "Overlay Priority List" is one example of a "comparison rule," and the Edit overlay priority list option enables you to edit it.

The Overlay Priority List for a given MARC record load table contains a list of values for subfield 'a' of a specified MARC tag. The MARC tag values are listed in order of descending priority. Values near the top of the list have a higher priority than those lower in the list. While comparing the existing and incoming records, the system can choose to overlay the record with the lowest priority value in subfield 'a' of the MARC tag. Whether the overlay actually occurs depends on the values of other overlay criteria in the load table.

When you choose the Edit overlay priority list option, the system displays a list of the MARC load tables that contain Overlay Priority Lists.

                             MARC LOAD TABLES 

2 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC record from tape 

Key the line number of a table to edit, or                                    
P > PRINT                                                                     
R > RETURN to Database maintenance menu                                       
Choose one (1-2,P,R)

Enter the line number of the MARC record load table you want to edit. The system displays the list of MARC tag values in order of descending priority.

                               MARC LOAD TABLES 

           OVERLAY PRIORITY LIST (BIBLIOGRAPHIC record from tape) 
1 > LC 
2 > OCLC 
3 > RLIN 
4 > ABN 
5 > NDL
Key a line number to edit an entry, or                                        
A > ADD an entry        M > MOVE an entry      R > RETURN to previous menu    
D > DELETE entries      P > PRINT                                             
Choose one (1-5,A,D,M,P,R)

The following options are available when editing the Overlay Priority List for a MARC load table:

Enter a line number to edit an entry

Enter a line number to change the MARC tag value for a given entry. Each entry is limited to 10 characters.

A > ADD an entry

Press A to add an entry to the list. The system prompts you to specify the position and the value of the new entry:

Insert new entry at what position in the list? (1-6) 2
Enter new priority code: NCL _______

M > MOVE an entry

Press M to move an entry up or down in the list, effectively changing the priority of that value. The system prompts you for the entry to move and its new position:

Which entry do you want to move? (1-5) 2
Move entry to which position in list? (1-5) 5

Other Menu Options

While editing an Overlay Priority List, you also have the option to DELETE entries from the list, PRINT the list, move FORWARD or BACKWARD in the list, or JUMP to a specific entry. After editing or viewing the list, choose R > RETURN to previous menu, and then R > RETURN to Database maintenance menu to quit. If you made any changes, the system asks you to verify your changes:

Make changes permanent? (y/n)