Label specifications

Select this option to:

  1. Set the size of monographic labels
  2. Specify whether to use a local printer or offer a menu of available printers
  3. Set the default "breakmode" for call numbers on spine labels. If no format has been specified for call numbers (see Format for call numbers), Sierra uses the default "breakmode" in determining where to start a new line ("to break") when printing call numbers
Account Units

It is possible to have a separate monographic label file for each account unit. Please contact Innovative to set this up.

Label specifications

1 > Print spine label................................................YES
2 > Width of spine, in columns........................................10
3 > Width of label, in columns........................................28
4 > Width of gap, in columns...........................................3
5 > Height of label, in lines.........................................15
6 > Vertical space between labels on printout, in lines................3
7 > Printer selection...........................CHOOSE PRINTER FROM MENU
8 > Breakmode for call number..................BREAK ON SPACE & SUBFIELD

  Key a number or
  R > Return to Database maintenance menu
  Choose one (1-8,R)

1 > Print spine label

Specify whether your library prints spine labels. If you answer "YES", Sierra prints spine labels, otherwise it does not. If you answer "NO", the options, Width of spine, in columns and Width of gap, in columns, are marked "N/A" (not applicable) and are not selectable. In addition, the options to specify fields to print on monographic spine labels are marked "N/A" (not applicable) and are not selectable.

2 > Width of spine, in columns

Specify the width of the left-hand (spine) label by entering the number of columns (or characters) wide you want it to be (10 characters per inch). This option is marked "N/A" (not applicable) and is not selectable if you have set 1 > Print spine label to "NO".

3 > Width of label, in columns

Specify the width of the right-hand (pocket) label by entering the number of columns (or characters) wide you want it to be (10 characters per inch).

4 > Width of gap, in columns

Specify the number of columns (or characters) between the spine (left-hand) and pocket (right-hand) labels (10 characters per inch). This option is marked "N/A" (not applicable) and is not selectable if you have set 1 > Print spine label to "NO".

5 > Height of label, in lines

Specify the number of lines of height for the labels (6 lines per inch).

6 > Vertical space between labels on printout, in lines

Specify the number of lines between one set of labels (spine and pocket) and the next set down (6 lines per inch).

7 > Printer selection

Specify whether all labels should be printed to the local printer attached to the workstation or whether a choice of printers should be offered. The options are: USE LOCAL PRINTER and CHOOSE PRINTER FROM MENU.

8 > Breakmode for call number

The setting for "breakmode" controls where the system should start a new line ("break") for call numbers in the case where no other format has been specified (select NO FORMAT SPECIFIED for the Format for call numbers). When you select this option, you will see the following screen:

Label specifications

Breakmode for call number

1 > BREAK ON ALL: Break on periods, capital letters, subfield delimiters,
		and spaces

2 > BREAK ON SPACE & SUBFIELD: Break on subfield delimiters and spaces only

3 > RETURN to previous menu

Choose one: (1-3) _


Start a new line (break) on periods, capital letters, subfield delimiters, and spaces.


Start a new line (break) on subfield delimiters and spaces only.