Edit overlay protection list
Use this option to prevent Sierra from overlaying fields as it loads records. When you select this option, the system displays a screen similar to the following:
MARC LOAD TABLES 1 > Standard AUTHORITY record 2 > NAME AUTHORITY record 3 > SUBJECT AUTHORITY record 4 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC record 5 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC and ORDER record 6 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC record from tape 7 > PATRON record Key the line number of a list to edit, or R > RETURN to Database maintenance menu Choose one (1-7,R)
Select the table that represents the record type that you want to edit. For example, if you press 4 to edit the fields in the bibliographic record, the system might display the following:
BIBLIOGRAPHIC record OVERLAY PROTECTION LIST FIELD MARC TAG INNOVACQ # HOLD 1 > LIB. HAS 850 2 > NOTE 595-599 3 > MARC 856 11:d 4 > DISPLAY Key a number or A > ADD a variable-length field D > DELETE a field L > Add a Fixed-LENGTH field R > RETURN to previous screen E > EDIT a MARC tag Choose one (A,L,E,D,R)
Automatic Protection
The system does not display system-defined fields (e.g., the HOLD field, the LOC field, the PIN field) in the OVERLAY PROTECTION LIST. These fields are automatically protected from overlay.
ADD a variable-length field
If you press A, Sierra prompts:
Field group tag:__
Enter a field group tag. If you enter an invalid field group tag, Sierra lists the tags that it will accept. After you enter a valid tag, the system prompts:
MARC tag(s): ______
Enter a three-digit tag or a range of tags (e.g., 050 or 600-699). You can include the '.' wildcard in place of any or all the digits in your three-digit tag.
Range vs. Wildcard
You cannot enter both a range and the '.' wildcard. Using the wildcard, however, creates the functional equivalent of a range. For example, if you enter 59., Sierra includes all MARC tags ranging from 590 to 599.
Or, press Enter to continue without inserting a MARC tag. After you enter the MARC tag(s), the system prompts:
Enter an Indicator (value from 0-99) and press Enter. Note that you can also use the '.' wildcard in the Indicator field (e.g., 5., or .5, or even ..).
The system does not prompt for Indicators if you enter a range of MARC tags because Indicators are automatically protected under a range of MARC tags. To input Indicators, you must enter MARC tags individually.
If you do not specify an Indicator and press Enter, the system protects all occurrences of that MARC tag. Next, Sierra prompts you to enter a protection code:
CODE (n,d,k): n
Press d, k, or n.
Protection Codes
d - Sierra does not load fields in the incoming record if there is any field in the existing record in the same field group tag. If there are no existing fields, then the system loads the incoming fields. If there are no incoming fields, then Sierra protects the existing fields.
k- Sierra deletes any fields in the existing record if there is any field in the incoming record in the same field group tag. If there are no existing fields, then the system loads the incoming fields. If there are no incoming fields, then Sierra protects the existing fields.
n - Sierra assigns neither code 'd' nor code 'k'. The default behavior associated with 'n' (no code) is as follows:
- The version of the field in the existing record is retained.
- The version of the field in the incoming record is inserted.
- Unlike Protection Codes d and k, the system does not display 'n' when no code is selected.
Examples of Overlay Protection
Example One: 856 :d (Overlay Protection Code d assigned to the 856 field)
The incoming record with an 856 field loses that field in favor of the protected 856 field. If the existing record did not already have an 856 field, the system would load the incoming 856 field.
Example Two: 850 :k (Overlay Protection Code k assigned to the 856 field)
The incoming record with an 850 field retains its 850 field. The existing record's 850 field is deleted. If the existing record did not already have an 850 field, the system would load the incoming 850 field.
Example Three: 599 (n, or no overlay code, assigned to the 599 field)
Default behavior applies. The existing record's 599 field is retained. The incoming record's 599 field is inserted.
Example Four: n (590 :d)
Protect the existing record's 590 field from overlay. Protect any n-tagged 590 fields in the existing record.
Field Group Level
To assign overlay protection at the field group level, do not specify a MARC tag. For example, with a setting like n (:d), the system deletes any MARC tag that might otherwise load in the 'n' field group and protects all n-tagged existing fields.
After you select a Protection Code, Sierra adds the variable-length field to the Overlay Protection List.
Add a Fixed-LENGTH field
If you press L, Sierra lists fixed-length fields that you can add to the Overlay Protection List. Depending on the MARC Load table that you are editing, the system enables you to select from different sets of fixed-length fields. For example, if you chose to edit bibliographic records, the following might appear:
Bibliographic Fixed Fields: 1 > LANG 2 > LOCATION 3 > COPIES 4 > CAT DATE 5 > BIB LVL 6 > MAT TYPE 7 > DISPLAY Add which field Choose one (1-7)
Select the number of the field that you want to prevent Sierra from overlaying. The system includes the field that you select on the overlay protection list. For example, if you press 1, the following appears:
BIBLIOGRAPHIC record OVERLAY PROTECTION LIST FIELD MARC TAG INNOVACQ # HOLD 1 > LIB. HAS 850 2 > NOTE 595-599 3 > MARC 856 11:d 4 > LANG 5 > DISPLAY Key a number or A > ADD a variable-length field D > DELETE a field L > Add a Fixed-LENGTH field R > RETURN to previous screen E > EDIT a MARC tag Choose one (A,L,E,D,R)
If you press E, you can edit any MARC tag that is present in the Overlay Protection List (this option only appears if the field contains a MARC tag). Sierra prompts you to select the MARC tag you want to edit:
Edit which entry (1-1) _
After you enter the line number of the MARC tag that you want to edit, Sierra prompts you to confirm or change that MARC tag, and then enter new Indicator and Protection Codes. This process mirrors the steps that you must take after you enter the field group tag when you choose ADD a variable-length field.
All Indicators
If you want to set a MARC tag to all Indicators, press Backspace at the Indicators prompt. Sierra clears any current Indicator values, protecting all occurrences of that MARC tag.
DELETE a field
If you press D, Sierra prompts:
Delete which field (1-2)
Enter the number of the field that you want to remove.
RETURN to previous screen
If you press R, Sierra returns you to the previous screen. However, if you made any changes, the system prompts:
Make changes permanent? (y/n)
Enter y to save your changes and return to the previous menu. Enter 'n' to discard your changes and return to the previous menu.
If you press Escape at any time, Sierra ignores all changes that you have made and returns you to the previous menu.
Change defaults used in record loading
Use this option to choose the default template for each load profile in your system. When you select this option, Sierra displays a screen similar to the following:
MARC LOAD TABLES 01 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC record 02 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC and ORDER record 03 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC record from tape 04 > PATRON record Key the line number of a list to edit, or R > RETURN to Database maintenance menu Choose one (1-4,R)
Select the MARC load table for which you would like to change the default template used in record loading. For example, if you press 1, Sierra displays a screen similar to the following:
INNOVATIVE SYSTEM OPTIONS (Database maintenance) BIBLIOGRAPHIC record 1 > BIBLIOGRAPHIC record 2 > ITEM record Key a line # to change R > RETURN to previous screen Choose one (1-2,R)
Sierra displays the record types that are linked to the MARC load table that you selected. Press the number of the record type that you want to modify. For example, if you press 1, the system displays a screen similar to the following:
BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD DEFAULTS 01 > biblio : Biblio. 02 > tapeb : Bib tape defaults 03 > margy : books X04 > letn : letn 11/9/95 05 > mk : serials 06 > dc : reserves 07 > bibacq : bibacq 08 > short : Short bib, title onl 09 > cmarc : Chinese MARC 10 > wmed : (wmed) W MD Bib. Rec Key number to select BIBLIOGRAPHIC record defaults R > RETURN to previous screen Choose one (1-10,R)
Sierra displays the available set of defaults. The 'X' indicates which set of defaults is currently in use. If you select another value, the 'X' moves next to that set of defaults.
RETURN to previous screen
If you press R, Sierra returns you to the previous screen. To save your changes, you must press R again. The system prompts:
Make changes permanent? (y/n)
Enter 'y' to save your changes and return to the previous menu. Enter 'n' to discard your changes and return to the previous menu.
If you press Escape at any time, Sierra ignores all changes that you have made and returns you to the previous menu.