Variable-length Fields in Invoice Records

The following table describes the variable-length fields found in invoice records. Both the short label and default long label (if one exists) are shown.

Invoice Record Fields
Field Description Field Group Tag Data in Field Entered by Limits Examples
or For Currency
This field contains foreign currency information, including the following:
  • foreign currency rate
  • foreign currency code
  • format

See Foreign Currency Codes and Rates for further information on these data elements.
f organization N/A f|cgbp|r1.6454|f,.2bp
INV INFO Field used by the system to identify invoice records. ) system N/A N/A
INV NUMBER Invoice number entered from the vendor's invoice. n organization Users can enter up to 19 characters while creating an invoice. 211068
INV TOTALS This field contains various monetary amounts for the invoice, including the following:
  • subtotal of the invoice (subfield |n)
  • shipping charges (subfield |s)
  • tax (subfield |t)
  • discount amount / service charge (subfield |d)
  • grand total (subfield |g)

If the invoice is in foreign currency, these amounts will be in the foreign currency.

Note that the tax subfield stores summary-level taxes, including GST or VAT applied to a dedicated fund. Line-level taxes are stored in the LINE ITEM field.
t organization N/A t|g28206|n28206|t0|s0|d0
INV VENDOR This field contains vendor information, including the following:
  • vendor code (subfield |a)
  • index; used internally for multi-vendor invoices (subfield |y)

  • voucher number (subfield |c)
  • invoice total, per vendor (subfield |d)

If the invoice has more than one vendor, there will be a separate field for each vendor. The invoice totals are for that vendor only, and will be in the local currency (if foreign currency is used).
v system N/A v|abaker|y1|c483|d30940
LINE ITEM This field contains information pertaining to a single line item in the invoice. This field includes the following subfields:
  • line number
  • order record number
  • paid amount
  • lien amount
  • lien flag
  • list price
  • fund
  • subfund
  • number of copies
  • external fund
  • order status
  • usetax
  • line item note
  • title
  • multi flag
  • vendor
  • voucher id (see below for details)
  • subscription starting date
  • subscription ending date
  • tax

Much of the information above is supplied by the system during the invoicing process; the remaining information such as paid amount, line item note, and subscription dates are entered by the user. The invoice record contains a separate field for each line item entered in the invoice.

Depending on the system settings, the tax is either GST or VAT entered by the user at the line level during invoicing or a prorated amount added by the system during posting.

Note that the subscription dates are optional and might not display during invoicing depending on the invoice settings.

The voucher id subfield is used internally and consists of the vendor index number and a vendor line number. The vendor index number is used to match the line item to the vendor when there are multiple vendors on a single invoice. The vendor line number is used by the system to identify the line items going to that vendor.
l organization/system The title subfield is limited to 30 characters. The line item note subfield is limited to 35 characters. The overall field is limited to 10,000 characters. l|z1|ao1080585|b1548|c0|d0|e0
|mFrom the eye of the storm : the|n|p346
TAX TYPE This field stores tax information if your library has enabled the feature to pay invoices using GST or VAT. The information includes the type of tax (GST or VAT) and the name of the dedicated fund (if applicable). g system N/A |ftaxfund|tgst
USETAX RATE This field contains usetax information, including the following:
  • type of usetax
  • rate
  • supplemental charge
  • fund

The user can choose the type of usetax using the apply usetax drop-down menu during the invoicing process, as well as choosing a rate from a pre-defined list set up by your library. The supplemental charge and fund are supplied by the system. See Entering Invoices with Use Tax for further information.
u organization/system N/A u|tNone|r0|uy|f0