Entering Invoices with Use Tax

Use tax is a tax paid to your state if the vendor does not charge, or undercharges, your library for sales tax.

To enter Invoices with use tax, your Acquisition Option Library subject to use tax must be set to "Yes" or "Yes (specify rate)".

To enter line items with use tax:

  1. Follow steps 1-6 under Creating Invoices.
  2. Check the option for Apply Usetax in Invoice Settings. You can also change the way use tax is applied on the invoice form itself. In the upper right corner of the invoice, choose a value from the Apply Usetax pull-down menu. The use tax will be applied the same way for all the line items on an invoice.
  3. If you choose All, Some, or As Coded in the Apply Usetax pull-down menu, choose a rate in the rate pull-down menu. If you do not choose a rate, no use tax will be applied. You cannot use more than one use tax rate on a single invoice.

If your library is set up to default to 6%, there is no need to choose a percentage.

  1. Continue entering the Invoice as described under Creating Invoices. If you chose to apply use tax to "Some" line items, you must check the Use tax box for the line items to which use tax is to be applied.
  2. Finish the invoice as described in Creating Invoices. Enter the shipping cost, service charge or discount, sales tax, and total. The use tax is added to the invoice register during posting.
Configuring Use Tax for Your System
Use tax can be charged to the same fund as the line item or to a single, dedicated fund. Contact Innovative to set the fund to which use tax is charged.
Your library can customize the use tax rates that display in the pull-down menu. See Use Tax Rates Table for more information.
Shipping or Service Charges
Your system can be configured to apply use tax to shipping and/or service charges. Contact Innovative to change your use tax charges.