Converting Variable-length Fields between MARC and Non-MARC

The Sierra Editor enables you to convert variable-length fields from MARC to non-MARC and non-MARC to MARC.

MARC to non-MARC

To convert a variable-length field from MARC to non-MARC:

  1. Open the appropriate record in the Editor and right-click anywhere in the MARC field you want to convert.
  2. Choose Change to non-MARC. The system removes the MARC tag and indicators.
  3. After conversion, edit the field data as needed.
  4. Click Save from the toolbar to save the changes. To cancel the changes, click Close and choose No in the dialog box that appears. The editor automatically re-sorts the fields.


To convert a variable-length field from non-MARC to MARC:

  1. Open the appropriate record in the Editor and right-click anywhere in the non-MARC field you want to convert.
  2. Choose Change to MARC.
  3. After converting the field, edit the MARC tag, indicators, and field data as needed.
  4. Click Save from the toolbar to save the changes. To cancel the changes, click Close and choose No in the dialog box that appears. The editor automatically re-sorts the fields.
See also:
Modifying Variable-length Fields
Inserting Variable-length Fields