Modifying Variable-length Fields

When you edit a record, its variable-length fields appear in a table beneath its fixed-length fields. Variable-length fields can be eitherstandard or multi-value.

Editing Restricted Fields

If your library uses manager-controlled restrictions on variable-length fields, you cannot view and/or edit some fields. For more information, see Viewing and Editing Restricted Variable-length Fields.

Modifying Standard Variable-length Fields

See Variable-length Fields for a general description of standard variable-length fields.

To modify standard variable-length fields within a record:

  1. Choose the field to edit, and then click the field, or use Tab, Shift+Tab, or the arrow keys to highlight a field. To move the cursor from the table of fixed-length fields to the table of variable-length fields, press Ctrl+N.

If you create a record with a Create Record wizard, Sierra prompts you with the fields to modify. You do not need to choose which field to edit.

The display of variable-length fields is governed by the settings in the Preferences Editor tab.

  1. Edit the field as needed. You can either enter text directly into the field (see Using the Keyboard and Mouse in the Sierra Record Editor) or by choosing Edit | Edit Field (or Ctrl+E) to open an Edit Data dialog box. You can edit any portion of a field and enter substitution phrases. Note that changing the field group tag of a MARC field does not change the MARC tag.

Inserting Text into a Variable-length Field

With the cursor in insert mode (this is the default), you can insert text into a variable-length field by positioning the cursor at the desired insertion point and typing. You can also use the Paste command to insert text that you had copied into your buffer.

In overwrite mode, the cursor is block-shaped and any text you type overwrites the text underneath the cursor.

For a variable-length field with multiple lines, e.g., an ADDRESS field, you can add extra lines by entering Shift+Enter.

About Multi-Line Fields

If your site has acquired the Advanced System Access & Administration product, you can edit the labels and default number of lines for multi-line fields.

Deleting Text from a Variable-length Field

To delete text from a variable-length field, position the cursor at the desired point and press Backspace or Delete. However, pressing Backspace when the cursor is at the beginning of a variable-length field has no effect. The cursor does not move to the end of the field above. Pressing Delete when the cursor is at the end of a variable-length field has no effect.

You can also delete text by selecting it with the mouse (or the Select All command) and pressing Backspace or Delete or by using the Cut command.

When you delete all the characters in a variable-length field, the field is deleted.

  1. Press Enter or click outside the field to save your edit.

Modifying Multi-value Variable-length Fields


Multi-value fields are available if your library has acquired Sierra Electronic Resources Management. Resource and license records can contain multi-value fields.

See Variable-length Fields for a general description of variable-length fields, and Maintaining Multi-value Variable-length Field Values for a description of the additional features of multi-value variable-length fields. Multi-value fields can:

See also:
Barcodes: Overview
Setting Up the Editor
Inserting Variable-length Fields
Converting Variable-length Fields Between MARC and Non-MARC
Moving (re-ordering) Variable-length Fields
Deleting Variable-length Fields
Entering Substitution Phrases in Variable-length Fields