Fixed-length Fields

Each type of record has a set of valid fixed-length fields. The fixed-length fields are described in:

Fixed-length Fields in All Records
Fixed-length Fields in Authority Records
Fixed-length Fields in Bibliographic Records
Fixed-length Fields in Checkin Records
Fixed-length Fields in Contact Records
Fixed-length Fields in Course Records
Fixed-length Fields in Institution Records
Fixed-length Fields in Invoice Records
Fixed-length Fields in Item Records
Fixed-length Fields in License Records
Fixed-length Fields in Order Records
Fixed-length Fields in Patron Records
Fixed-length Fields in Program Records
Fixed-length Fields in Resource Records
Fixed-length Fields in Section Records
Fixed-length Fields in Vendor Records

Volume Records

Volume records have no record-specific fixed-length fields. The fixed-length fields found in all records do apply.

Fixed-length fields can be enabled or disabled by contacting Innovative. Only Innovative can create new fixed-length fields.

If a fixed-length field is valid for a record type and enabled, it will appear in every record of that type. (Note that if a variable-length field is valid for a record type and enabled, it is not required to appear in every record of that type.)

Each fixed-length field contains one of the following:

Each code has a definition. For example, the fixed-length field ACQ TYPE can contain the code p, which for ACQ TYPE is defined as "purchase." The set of valid codes and their definitions is different for each fixed-length field in a record type.

For some fixed-length fields, your organization can determine the codes and/or definitions. Other fixed-length fields contain MARC codes or codes set by the system.

To see the fixed-length codes in use on your system, choose Admin | Parameters | General | Fixed-length Codes (see Fixed-length Codes File).

To edit a fixed-length field, see Modifying Fixed-length Fields.

Default Content in Fixed-length Fields When Creating Records

When you create a record, you begin by selecting a record template (or allowing the system to choose a template for you). A template contains default content for some or all of the fields.

The default content will be entered into the new record unless:

To edit the default content in templates, see Editing Record Templates.

Templates also determine which fields you are prompted to provide content for when creating a record. To change the fields that you are prompted to provide content for, see Editing Record Templates.

Note that invoice records use system-defined templates that are accessible from the Invoice function. Users do not select templates when creating invoices.

Fixed-length Field Limits

Fixed-length fields may be limited by the length of the code, the length of the code's definition, the length of the code name, and the maximum number of codes. See the descriptions of each field for more information.

Each fixed-length field has a short label, with a maximum length of ten characters. An example of a short label is ACQ TYPE. In addition to the short label, many fixed-length fields also have a long label, with a maximum length of eighty characters. An example of a long label is Acquisitions Type. The system displays the long label if one is defined for the field or the short label if no long label is defined for the field.

You can edit the long names with Advanced System Access & Administration (ASAA).

Date Fields Beyond 2038

Fixed-length fields in Sierra cannot store dates beyond 2038.

Fixed-length Fields Defined by Your Organization

For each of the following fixed-length fields, your organization can:

BCODE1 Bibliographic
BCODE2 Bibliographic
BCODE3 Bibliographic
CODE1 Order
CODE2 Order
CODE3 Order
CODE4 Order
SCODE1 Checkin
SCODE2 Checkin
SCODE3 Checkin
SCODE4 Checkin
ACODE1 Authority
ACODE2 Authority
ICODE1 Item 1
PCODE1 Patron
PCODE2 Patron
PCODE3 Patron
PCODE4 Patron
CCODE1 Course
CCODE2 Course
CCODE3 Course
VCODE1 Vendor
VCODE2 Vendor
VCODE3 Vendor

1 Innovative can only rename ICODE1 (change the label). Valid codes and code definitions cannot be specified for this field.

Fixed-length Field Codes and Code Values That Should Not Be Altered

The fields in the table below have certain values that should not be removed or altered. For example, the "NO MESSAGE" value for IMESSAGE should not be deleted from the system. "NO MESSAGE" must be present in the list of possible values, even if it is not the value assigned to IMESSAGE.

Field Record Type Unalterable Code, Value, or Label
INV_STATUS invoice All of the INV_STATUS codes cause specific software action, and you cannot alter, delete, or add to them.
IMESSAGE item Do not remove the "NO MESSAGE" values ("NO MESSAGE" is represented by a hyphen or a space). You cannot remove IMESSAGE values if the "NO MESSAGE" value is missing.
OPACMSG item The value 'r' is hard-coded to cause the system to charge rental fees at checkout. Changing the label does not change the software's action. Do not use 'r' for non-rental items.
STATUS item Do not delete any of the following statuses, which are reserved for specific system functions: 'm', '$', 'n', 'z', 'o', '-', 't', '!'

Never add these values as item statuses: '@', '#', '%', '&', '(', ')', '_', '[blank space]'
CLAIM order Do not change or delete labels.
ORD NOTE order The value 'r' causes the software to perform an action. Changing the label will not change what the system does. Do not remove this code.

Do not remove the "NO ORD NOTE" value ("NO ORD NOTE" is represented by a hyphen).
RACTION order Do not remove the "NO RACTION" value ("NO RACTION" is represented by a hyphen).
STATUS order All of the STATUS codes cause specific software action, and you cannot alter, delete, or add to them.
MBLOCK patron Do not remove the "NO BLOCK" values ("NO BLOCK" is represented by a hyphen). You cannot unblock patrons if the "NO BLOCK" value is missing.
PMESSAGE patron Do not remove the "NO MESSAGE" values ("NO MESSAGE" is represented by a hyphen or a space). You cannot remove PMESSAGE values if the "NO MESSAGE" value is missing.