Using the Keyboard and Mouse in the Sierra Record Editor

You can use the keyboard or the mouse while editing records. Some of the operations differ depending on which record editor you are using:

Where applicable, the differences between record editors are noted below.

Using the Keyboard

Typing Text

System response differs depending on the type of field you edit:

Variable-length fields

All text that you enter appears.

Validated fixed-length fields

Only text from the list of valid values appears. If you enter text not included in the list of valid values, a drop-down list of valid values appears. Select an appropriate value from the list.

(Sierra Desktop Application only) If the field specifies a code and a description, enter text that's appropriate given which part is active (for example, the code or the description).

Non-validated fixed-length fields

Sierra accepts any text up to the maximum size of the field.

Keyboard Navigation

Tab Key

In edit mode, the Tab key navigates within the editable field. You are in edit mode if you have selected or have started typing in an editable field. To exit edit mode, use Esc or Enter. When you are not in edit mode, the Tab key moves the cursor to the next editable position in the record. (Use Shift+Tab to move to the previous position.)

Fixed-length fields

Tab moves the cursor to the data of the next editable fixed-length field. If the cursor is in the last fixed-length field, Tab moves it to the first variable-length field.

Variable-length fields

Tab moves the cursor to the beginning of each field element, in the following order:

  1. field group tag/label (if shown)
  2. MARC tag (if shown)
  3. MARC indicators (if shown)
  4. first subfield tag
  5. next subfield tag, continuing for any additional subfields

Special variable-length fields

If a special field (006, 007, 008) is expanded (Ctrl+R), Tab moves the cursor to each subfield.

If there are no more editable fields in the record, Tab is ignored.

Enter Key

This operation is not available in the SDA's accessibility mode.

When a record is open for editing and no dialog box is open, press Enter to create a new blank line in which to input a new variable-length field. See Inserting Variable-Length Fields.

Special Keys

The End and Home keys work with the SDA's accessibility mode; the other special keys are not compatible.

Use the following keys and key combinations as shortcuts for moving the cursor quickly to the indicated location in the record:

Ctrl+End Move cursor to last editable position of the record.
Ctrl+Home Move cursor to first editable position of the record.

Move cursor to last position of the variable-length or fixed-length field on the line.

Home Move cursor to first position of the variable-length or fixed-length field on the line.
Page Down Move cursor down one displayable page worth of fields and place the cursor in the relative position of the field.
Page Up Move cursor up one displayable page worth of fields and place the cursor in the relative position of the field.
Ctrl+F Search for a specific string of text in the record. See Finding Text within a Record for more information.

Arrow Keys

When the SDA's accessiblity mode is enabled, you can use the arrow keys to navigate within a field, but not between fields or subfields. To navigate between fields, select the Tab key to move to the next field and Shift+Tab to move to the previous field.

The editor respects standard navigation with arrow keys. Press the Down Arrow key to move the cursor down one line at a time and the Up Arrow key to move the cursor up one line at a time. Moving up and down with arrow keys places the cursor in the same vertical position (assuming there is text to place the cursor in). In the fixed-length field area, the field labels are skipped.

Press the Left Arrow key to move the cursor to the previous position and the Right Arrow key to move the cursor to the next position. If the cursor is already at the end of a line, the Right Arrow key moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line. If the cursor is already at the beginning of a line, the Left Arrow places the cursor at the end of the previous line. In the fixed-length field area, the field labels are skipped.

If the cursor is at the beginning of the first field in the record, the editor ignores the Left Arrow and Up Arrow keys. If the cursor is at the end of the last field in the record, the editor ignores the Right Arrow and Down Arrow keys.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Most functions in the record editor have keyboard shortcuts. For information on using these, see Using Shortcut Keys.

Using the Mouse

The SDA's accessibility mode is optimized for assistive technologies such as screen readers. Some of the mouse commands below are not compatible with the record editor when this mode is enabled.

Selecting Text

Text selection behaves like a standard document editor, where possible.

Variable-length fields

Single-click to place the cursor to the left or right of any character.

Double-click to select a word.

Triple-click to select the entire line of text.

Validated fixed-length fields

Single-click to place the cursor to the left or right of any character.

Double-click the field label or data to bring up a code selection dialog box with a table of valid codes. Double-click a value or single-click and choose OK to change the code.

Unvalidated fixed-length fields

Single-click to place the cursor to the left or right of any character.

Double-click the field label or data to select the entire contents of the field data.

Selecting Multiple Fields

How you select multiple fields depends on the application you're using:

Copying and Pasting Fields

Right-click to open the Edit menu.

Copying Fields

You can use the Copy Field option in any record type to copy the entire contents of a field, including the variable-length field tag, MARC tags and indicators, and all subfields.

Place your cursor anywhere within the field you want to copy. From the Edit menu, select Copy Field. Sierra copies the content to the clipboard.

Pasting Fields

The Paste Field option only appears when you have copied a field to the clipboard using the Copy Field option. This option pastes the entire contents of the field, including the variable-length field tag, MARC tags and indicators, and all subfields.

Place your cursor in the field above where you want to paste the new field. From the Edit menu, select Paste Field. Sierra pastes the clipboard content into a new field below the selected field. If you select the Paste Field option without placing the cursor in the record, Sierra pastes the field after the last line of the record.

Using the Pop-up Mouse Menu

Right-click to open a menu of options. When you edit records, this menu includes the Cut, Copy, and Paste commands, which also are found on the Edit menu.

In addition, there are context-sensitive commands. Context-sensitive commands are also found in the Edit menu and are discussed on the Modifying Fixed-Length Fields and Modifying Variable-Length Fields pages.

When editing item records, clicking the right mouse menu opens a patron view sub-menu. If the PATRON# fixed-length field is open, the menu includes the option to View patron with item checked out. If the LPATRON fixed-length field is open, the menu includes the option to View last patron to check out item. In either case, the patron record that appears is a view-only copy.

Updates to the LPATRON Field

As long as the Check-in: Store last patron in item record circulation option is enabled, the system updates the LPATRON fixed-length field each time you check in an item. If you disable the Check-in: Store last patron in item record circulation option, the LPATRON field reflects the last time the item was checked in before the option was disabled.

See also:
Maintaining Records
Modifying Fixed-length Fields
Modifying Variable-length Fields