Statements of Checked-out Items

To print statements of checked-out items, you must be assigned permission 397 (Statements of Checked Out Items). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

A statement of checked-out items is a summary of all items checked out to patrons, including virtual item checkouts (ILL and INN-Reach items). Sierra sends statements of checked-out items to patrons when you prepare and send the relevant notice type using the Notices function.

For more information, see the following:

Setup and Functionality Information

Generating Statements of Checked-out Items—Timing
Libraries typically print statements of checked-out items less frequently than other notices (for example, at the end of a semester or quarterly).
Generating Statements of Checked-out Items—Processing
Depending on the criteria you specify, it can take the system a long time to generate these statements. While Sierra prepares statements, it displays a progress dialog. To stop this process, choose Cancel.
To ensure that the system processes Statements of Checked-out Items in a timely manner, run the notices job on a subset of your library's patron records as follows:
  1. Create a review file that uses a patron record field as the search criteria (e.g., P TYPE).
  2. In the notices job parameters screen, choose Review from the Range drop-down list in the Options pane.
  3. In the Review file drop-down list, select the review file you created.
  4. Select any other parameters desired.
  5. Prepare the notices job as desired.
Items Listed
Statements of checked-out items list the items that are currently checked out only. Generating these statements does not affect the database.
Positioning Item Information on the Statement
The setting of the Fines/Bills: Where to print Bill Info circulation option determines the positioning of the item information on a statement of checked-out items. The height element of this circulation option controls the number of items printed on each statement. This setting applies to both default statements and statements customized using print templates.

Customizing Statements of Checked-out Items

Your library can customize statements of checked-out items as follows:

Default Statement of Checked-out Items

The default statement of checked-out items has the following elements:

Return Address
A value determined by the setting of the Statements: Library address determined by circulation option.
The date on which the statement is generated.
Patron Name
The patron's name. The system obtains this data from the PATRN NAME variable-length field in the patron record.
Patron Address
The patron's address. The system obtains this data from the ADDRESS or ADDRESS2 variable-length field in the patron record.
Notice Text
checked out text from the Text of Circulation Notices table, as specified by staff when preparing the statement.
The title's author. The system obtains this data from the AUTHOR variable-length field in the bibliographic record.
The item's title. The system obtains this data from the TITLE variable-length field in the bibliographic record.
The location to which the item belongs. The system obtains this data from the LOCATION fixed-length field in the item record.
The date on which the checked-out item is due. The system obtains this data from the DUE DATE fixed-length field in the item record.
Text of Circulation Notices Number
The number of the Notice Text in the Text of Circulation Notices table.

Example Statement of Checked-out Items

The following is an example statement of checked-out items:

  Main Library                                Fri April 18 2003
  2344 Sixth Street
  Berkeley, CA 94710

                                                      Smith, John
                                                      1734 Spruce St. #6  
                                                      Berkeley, CA 94709  

  These items are currently checked out to your library card per
  our records.

      AUTHOR         TITLE                         LOC     DUEDATE
      Graf, Fritz    Greek mythology : an introdu  rtml    01-01-2010

See also:
Using Circulation Notices
Text of Circulation Notices Table