Statement of Checked-Out Items Data Library
The statement of checked-out items data library defines the elements you can use to create custom print templates for statements of checked-out items. These templates are created in a third-party application (such as Jaspersoft Studio) for use when printing statements of checked-out items. See Creating Customized Print Templates for more information.
Header and Footer Elements
The following table describes each element in the statements of checked-out items data library that can be added only to the header or footer of the notice, as well as the data source for each element.
Element Name | Description | Data Source |
Library_Address_Line1_C | The first line of your library's address. | The Address element in the Branch Addresses table. |
Library_Address_Line2_C | The second line of your library's address. | The Address element in the Branch Addresses table. |
Library_Address_Line3_C | The third line of your library's address. | The Address element in the Branch Addresses table. |
Library_Address_Line4_C | The fourth line of your library's address. | The Address element in the Branch Addresses table. |
Message_C | The checked out entry from the Text of Circulation Notices table selected when preparing the notices. | The Text of Circulation Notices table. |
Patron_Mobile_Number_C | The patron's mobile phone number. | The MOBILE PH variable-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Notice_Pref_C | The notification preference indicated by the patron. | The NOTICE PREF fixed-length field in the patron record. |
Print_Sequence_C | The ordinal number of this notice in the list of notices printed. | The Sierra system. |
Text_Number_C | The number of the Text of Circulation Notices table entry used in the Message_C data library element. | The Text of Circulation Notices table. |
Total_Patron_Fines_C | The total amount of all the patron's current charges. | The Sierra system. |
Text Elements
The following table describes each element in the statements of checked-out items data library that can be added to the body of the notice text, as well as the data source for each element.
Element Name | Description | Data Source |
Item_Agency | The agency that owns the item. | The AGENCY fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Author | The title's author. | The AUTHOR variable-length field in the bibliographic record. |
Item_Barcode | The item's barcode. | The BARCODE variable-length field in the item record. |
Item_Bib_Record_Id | The title's record number. | The record number fixed-length field in the bibliographic record. |
Item_Call_Number | The item's call number. | The CALL # variable-length field in the item record. |
Item_Checked_Out_Date | The date and time the item was checked out. | The OUT DATE fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Checked_Out_Location | The statistics group associated with the login at which the item was checked out. | The OUT LOC fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Code1 | An item code, defined by your library. | The ICODE1 fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Code2 | An item code, defined by your library. | The ICODE2 fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Due_Date | The item's due date. | The DUE DATE fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Edition | The edition information. | The MARC 250 field in the bibliographic record. |
Item_ID | The ordinal number of this item in the list of items in this notice. | The Sierra system. |
Item_In_Location | The statistics group associated with the login at which the item was last checked in. | The IN LOC fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Last_Checkin | The date the item was last checked in. | The LCHKIN fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Location1 | The branch location code for the item. | The LOCATION fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Material_Type | The title's material type. | The MAT TYPE fixed-length field in the bibliographic record. |
Item_Message | A code corresponding to a library-defined item message. | The IMESSAGE fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Note | The first note (the note most recently added) in the item record. | The INT NOTE variable-length field in the item record. |
Item_OPAC_Message | A message defined by your library. | The OPACMSG fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Publish_Date | The date the title was published. | The MARC 260 field in the bibliographic record. |
Item_Publisher | Information about the publisher. | The MARC 260 field in the bibliographic record. |
Item_Record_Id | The item record number. | The record number fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Title | The item's title. | The TITLE variable-length field in the bibliographic record. |
Item_Total_Checkout | The total number of times this item has been checked out. | The TOT CHKOUT fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Type | The type of item, as defined by your library. | The I TYPE fixed-length field in the item record. |
Item_Volume | The item's volume number. | The VOLUME variable-length field in the item record. |
Message_Patron1 | A message to print above the patron's name and address. The system prints this element only if the patron's P TYPE matches the type specified in the Notices: Print text above patron name circulation option. | The Text of Circulation Notices table. |
Patron_Address_Line11 | The first line of the patron's address. | The ADDRESS variable-length field in the patron record (the data before the first $ delimiter). |
Patron_Address_Line21 | The second line of the patron's address. | The ADDRESS variable-length field in the patron record (the data after the first $ delimiter). |
Patron_Address_Line31 | The third line of the patron's address. | The ADDRESS variable-length field in the patron record (the data after the second $ delimiter). |
Patron_Address_Line41 | The fourth line of the patron's address. | The ADDRESS variable-length field in the patron record (the data after the third $ delimiter). |
Patron_Agency1 | The agency to which the patron belongs. | The PAT AGENCY fixed-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Barcode1 | The patron's barcode. | The P BARCODE variable-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Checked_Out_Number1 | The total number of items the patron currently has checked out. | The CUR CHKOUT fixed-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Code11 | A fixed-length field in the patron record that your library can define. | The PCODE1 fixed-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Code21 | A fixed-length field in the patron record that your library can define. | The PCODE2 fixed-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Code31 | A fixed-length field in the patron record that your library can define. | The PCODE3 fixed-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Code41 | A fixed-length field in the patron record that your library can define. | The PCODE4 fixed-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Home_Library1 | The patron's home library. | The HOME LIBR fixed-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Message1 | A message for the patron. | The MESSAGE variable-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Name1 | The patron's name, printed as last name, first name. | The PATRN NAME variable-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Phone_Number1 | The patron's primary telephone number. | The TELEPHONE variable-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Phone2_Number1 | An alternate telephone number for the patron. | The TELEPHONE2 variable-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Record_ID1 | The patron's record number. | The record number fixed-length field in the patron record. |
Patron_Type1 | The Patron Type code associated with the patron. | The P TYPE fixed-length field in the patron record. |
1You can use this element as is in the notice text, or you can use the corresponding header/footer element (appended with a "_C") in the notice header or footer. Following is the complete list of elements that can be used in the notice text, header, and footer:
Text Element Name | Corresponding Header or Footer Element Name |
Item_Location | Item_Location_C |
Message_Patron | Message_Patron_C |
Patron_Address_Line1 | Patron_Address_Line1_C |
Patron_Address_Line2 | Patron_Address_Line2_C |
Patron_Address_Line3 | Patron_Address_Line3_C |
Patron_Address_Line4 | Patron_Address_Line4_C |
Patron_Agency | Patron_Agency_C |
Patron_Barcode | Patron_Barcode_C |
Patron_Checked_Out_Number | Patron_Checked_Out_Number_C |
Patron_Code1 | Patron_Code1_C |
Patron_Code2 | Patron_Code2_C |
Patron_Code3 | Patron_Code3_C |
Patron_Code4 | Patron_Code4_C |
Patron_Home_Library | Patron_Home_Library_C |
Patron_Message | Patron_Message_C |
Patron_Name | Patron_Name_C |
Patron_Phone_Number | Patron_Phone_Number_C |
Patron_Phone2_Number | Patron_Phone2_Number_C |
Patron_Record_ID | Patron_Record_ID_C |
Patron_Type | Patron_Type_C |