Branch Addresses Table

To edit the Branch Addresses Table, you must be assigned permission 668 (Edit Branch Addresses). If you are assigned permission 373 (View Circulation Parameters) but not 668, you can view this table but cannot edit it. See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

The Branch Addresses table contains the name and address of each of your library's branches. The system uses this information, in conjunction with the Circulation Address Number element of the Branches table, to print return addresses on circulation notices and to determine the from and reply-to addresses of emailed circulation notices.

You can access the Branch Addresses table via the following menu path:

Admin | Parameters | Circulation | Branch Addresses

For information on modifying this table, see Maintaining System Parameter Tables and Maintaining Circulation Parameters.

Because the system identifies entries in the Branch Addresses table by their numeric position in the table, the Insert and Move tools are unavailable when editing this table.

For more information, see Functionality Information and Data Elements.

Functionality Information

When viewing and modifying the Branch Addresses table, note the following:

Maximum Number of Entries
The Branch Addresses table can contain a maximum of 400 entries.
Selecting and Positioning Entries on Circulation Notices
See Notices, Slips, and Messages and Sending Circulation Notices via Email for information about how the system selects an entry to apply to each notice type and how the entry is positioned on the notice.
Circulation Address Number
The row numbers of the Branch Addresses table entries correspond to the Circulation Address Number element in the Branches table. The system uses these row numbers to indicate which return address to use for each location code on circulation notices.

Data Elements

Entries in the Branch Addresses table contain the following data elements:

Element Description
Branch Name

A label of up to 255 characters that identifies the entry.

In Sierra 5.1 and earlier, this label does not print on circulation notices. In Sierra 5.2 and later, Sierra uses this element as the display name in the header of the from and reply-to addresses for emailed notices. See How Sierra Chooses Values in Circulation Notice Email Headers for more information.

Address The branch address as it prints on circulation notices. To include the branch's name on the notice, it must appear in this element. This element can contain up to four lines of text, each with a maximum of 59 characters.
E-mail Source

The from address in the header of an emailed notice. If set, this entry must contain a fully-qualified email address with a domain that does not resolve to the Innovative server (for example, Fully-qualified email addresses are limited to 255 characters.

See the Email Source description on "Sending Circulation Notices via Email" for more information.

E-mail Reply-To

The reply-to address in the header of an emailed overdue notice. If set, this element has the same content and character limits as the Email Source element.

See the Reply-to Address description on "Sending Circulation Notices via Email" for more information.