MARC Records

MARC stands for Machine-Readable Cataloging formats.

MARC 21 is the current standard for the representation and communication of bibliographic and related information in machine-readable form. The MARC 21 cataloging format, as well as all official MARC 21 documentation, is maintained by the United States Library of Congress.

The MARC 21 standard uses tags to identify certain data elements in a bibliographic, authority, or holdings record. When a record is referred to as a "MARC record," it means that its variable-length data has been grouped and assigned tags in accordance with the MARC 21 standard. MARC-like records, such as MARC-like patron records, can also be imported into the Innovative database.

Each MARC record has a:

Innovative database variable-length fields are assigned Innovative "field group tags." The Innovative database requires the use of field group tags. MARC tags are optional. If MARC tags are used by your organization, the variable-length fields in your database will have both MARC and field group tags simultaneously. A correspondence between MARC and field group tags is established when your system is set up. For example, a MARC-tagged 090 field may have a c field group tag. You can view the expected correspondence of MARC tags and field group tags for your system by viewing the MARC load table "m2btab.fse".

For proper indexing and record display, the two types of tags must remain in the expected correspondence for each variable-length field in your database.

Changing field group tags

Depending on how your system is setup, it is possible, while editing a variable-length field, to change its field group tag and MARC tag independently of each other. This can lead to unexpected results when the field is indexed or the record is displayed. For example, if a variable-length field has a y field group tag and a 050 MARC tag, and the MARC tag is changed to 090, the field will not index with other 090 fields (which usually have a corresponding field group tag of c).

To prevent this from occurring, check the Update field group tag when MARC tagging changes option on the Editor tab in the Login Manager.