Print Template Family Settings for Circulation Notices and Receipts

If your library has enabled the Print Templates feature, you can create a custom list of print templates for use with:

Settings for Other Print Templates

You can also create print templates for other types of forms, such as purchase orders, hold and transit slips, and monographic labels. For information about print templates for output types other than circulation notices, see Print Template Settings.

When you create a list of preferred print templates, your choices are associated with your login and are enabled wherever you access Sierra with the same login. Notices and receipts based on these templates can be printed to a local printer or can be emailed to patrons. For more information, see Printing Circulation Notices with Print Templates and Setting Up Print Templates in Express Lane.

Print templates for circulation notices and receipts are grouped into template families. You can create a custom list of preferred template families, preview and modify template families, and save your template family settings.

How Template Families Work

A template family is a group of print templates that the system uses for the same purpose. Templates within a template family contain the same content, but differ by language and delivery method. A template family can contain a single template, or a separate template for each combination of language and delivery method available on your system. When you print notices or receipts using print templates, the system selects the appropriate template from the template family to use for the particular notice or receipt you are printing.

Creating a List of Preferred Template Families

To customize the list of preferred template families associated with your login:

  1. Select the notice or receipt type (for example, Overdue Notice, Due Slip, etc.) from the Output Type list. The system displays the Print Templates Settings options.
  2. Ensure that the Use Print Templates box is selected.
  3. Add to or remove from your list of preferred template families for the selected output type by doing the following:
    Add to your listSelect the template family in the Other Templates list, and click the left arrow.
    Remove from your list

    Select the template family in the Preferred Templates list, and click the right arrow.

    To select multiple template families to move at the same time, hold down the Ctrl key while you select each template family.

    Choose Only One Preferred Template in Express Lane

    For receipts in Express Lane, you must define a single preferred template family in the Preferred Templates list. If you choose more than one preferred template family, or if your Other Templates list contains more than one template and you do not specify a preferred template, Express Lane does not allow you to save your settings.

Viewing and Modifying Print Template Families

You can view templates and modify custom template families as follows:

Saving the Preferred Template Family List

To save your settings for both the current and subsequent sessions:

  1. Click Save Settings.
  2. To exit the Settings dialog box, click OK.

To save the settings for the current session only and close the Settings dialog box, click OK.

See also:
Printing Circulation Notices with Print Templates
Printing Due Slips with Print Templates
Setting Up Print Templates in Express Lane
Possible Messages (Printing Circulation Notices with Print Templates)
Creating Customized Print Templates