Recall Notices

To print recall notices, you must be assigned permission 353 (Recall). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Sierra can generate a recall notice if:

The system sends recall notices to patrons when you prepare and send recall notices using the Notices function.

For more information, see the following:

Setup and Functionality Information

SMS Alerts for Non-U.S. Libraries
If your library has acquired the SMS Alerts product and is outside the U.S., your patrons can opt to receive SMS messages alerting them that an item has been recalled. The system sends recall SMS alerts in addition to regular recall notices.

Customizing Recall Notices

Your library can customize recall notices as follows:

Default Recall Notice

The default recall notice has the following elements:

Borrowed At
The statistics group number of the user who checked the item out. The system obtains this information from the OUT LOC fixed-length field. This optional element must be enabled by Innovative. In addition, the system cannot include this line if your library set the Fines/Bills: Number of items per Bill circulation option to a number greater than 1. To have this feature enabled at your library or for more information, contact Innovative.
Date of Notice
Date the notice is printed.
Item Information
Four items possible in this example; an 8.5 x 11 form will hold up to ten items. Includes title, author, call number, barcode, library location from which the item was borrowed, and date due (six lines). Claimed Returned items have an AUTHOR of: "We are still looking for:"
Notice Text
Up to fifteen lines of text as defined in the Text of Circulation Notices table. The entry used is determined by the Text Recall Notice element of the loan rule under which the item is currently checked out.
Notice Text Number
Number of message from the Text of Circulation Notices table which is printed in Notice Text.
Page Number
Printed only if the notice for a single patron is longer than one page.
Patron Name and address
Address #1 or #2, as selected before printing; includes telephone number if desired.
Print Sequence Number
Indicates sequential position of notice in print job. Each print job begins with sequence number 1.
Return Address
The address of the (first) item location or, if this is not available, the first address in the Location Addresses file; up to four lines. Your library may choose to have pre-printed forms, instead of printing this data.
Recall Fine Note
A note indicating that recalled items are subject to increased fines. If your library charges an additional fine for items not returned by the recall due date, set the Notices: Print recall fine circulation option to print this additional element. This note varies depending on whether or not the item is overdue or has already accrued a fine when it is recalled. For example:

  • If the item is not overdue and has no fines accrued, this note is similar to the following:

    Fine charges of $0.20/day will begin on Sat Apr 27 1997.

  • If this item is overdue and fines have accrued, this note is similar to the following:

    Fine changes from $0.10/day to $0.20/day beginning on Sat Apr 27 1997.

For more information, see Loan Rule element FINE INCR IF RECALL.

If your library assesses non-monetary penalties, the recall fine note reflects penalty points, not dollar amounts. For more information, see Loan Rule element PENALTY INCR IF RECALL. For example:

  • If an item is overdue and has not already accrued penalties when recalled, a note similar to the following displays:

    A penalty of 8/day will begin on 4/27/97.

  • If an item is overdue or has accrued penalties when recalled, a note similar to the following displays:

    Penalty changes from 4/day to 8/day beginning on 4/27/97.

Total Amount Owed
Total of all fines and bills for this patron. This element displays if you check Include Amount Owed when selecting notice parameters.

Example Default Recall Notice

An example of the default recall notice is shown below.

Recall notice

See also:
Using Circulation Notices
Text of Circulation Notices Table
SMS Alerts