Fines/Bills: Number of Items per Bill

This option enables you to specify the number of item information blocks that print on a bill or fine notice to a single patron. The information the system includes on notices depends on whether you set this option to print one or multiple items per bill.

One Item per Bill

If you set this option to '1', the system prints a separate bill or fine notice for each item. The system consults the Fines/Bills: Where to print Bill Info circulation option to determine the position of the billing information block.

Multiple Items per Bill

If you set this option to a number greater than '1', the system prints up to this number of items on the same notice. The maximum value you can enter is "99". However, the number of items per page is limited by the height of the bill information block, which is determined by the circulation option Fines/Bills: Where to print Bill Info.

Notices Grouped by Item Location

Circulation groups items together on the same notice only when the items have the same value in the LOCATION fixed-length field.

When multiple items are printed on a single notice, the information block for each billed item takes up 2 lines: