Overdue Notices

To print overdue notices, you must be assigned permissions 351 (Overdue) and 352 (Hourly Overdue). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Sierra can generate the following types of overdue notices.

Hourly Overdue Notices
When you prepare hourly overdue notices, the system scans the hourly checkouts file and generates hourly overdue notices for items in the file that have become due since the library opened on the current day.
Overdue Notices
Each night the system scans the file of checked-out items and generates overdue notices for items in the file that have become eligible for a notice since the last time overdue notices were sent. When you prepare overdue notices, you can choose which "level" of overdue notices you want to generate.

Sierra sends overdue and hourly overdue notices when you prepare and send the relevant notice type.

For more information, see the following:

Setup and Functionality Information

When the System Sends Overdue Notices
Sierra uses the overdue variables in the item's loan rule to determine when an item is eligible for an overdue notice and how many overdue notices to send.
Customizing the Text of Overdue Notice
For most items, the system uses the Text First Odue through Text Fifth Odue loan rule elements to determine which Text of Circulation Notices entry to print on the circulation notice. For overdue items that have been recalled, the system uses the Text First OdueR through Text Fifth OdueR loan rule elements instead.
Charging for Printing Overdue Notices
You can configure your system to charge patrons for printing overdue notices. For more information, see the description of the Notices: Amount and ptypes for overdue notice charge circulation option.
Overdue Notices and Billing
You must run the highest level of overdue notices in order to generate replacement bills for unreturned items. For more information, see Billing Lost or Unreturned Items.
Overdue Notices and the Collection Agency Report
If your library has acquired the Collection Agency Report product and the product is configured to prevent the system from generating overdue notices and bills for patrons placed in a Collection Agency Report, the system does not print overdue notices nor does it print bills for patrons currently in collections.
SMS Alerts
If your library has acquired the SMS Alerts product, your patrons can opt to receive SMS messages alerting them that an item is overdue. The system sends overdue and hourly overdue SMS alerts in addition to regular overdue and hourly overdue notices.
Overdue Information Updates
If the system is still updating overdue information when you attempt to prepare overdue notices, Sierra displays the following message:
Overdues are still being updated. Call Innovative.
To print overdue notices, you must wait until the system finishes updating overdue information. To configure the system to update overdue information at a different time, contact Innovative.

Customizing Overdue Notices

Your library can customize overdue notices as follows:

Default Overdue Notice

The default overdue notice has the following elements:

Borrowed At
The statistics group number associated with the user who checked the item out. The system obtains this information from the OUT LOC fixed-length field. This optional element must be enabled by Innovative. In addition, the system cannot include this line if your library set the Fines/Bills: Number of items per Bill circulation option to a number greater than 1. To have this feature enabled at your library or for more information, contact Innovative.
Date of Notice
Date the notice is printed.
Item Information
Four items possible in this example; an 8.5 X 11 form will hold up to ten items. Includes title, author, call number, barcode, library location from which the item was borrowed, and date due (six lines). Claimed Returned items have an AUTHOR of: "We are still looking for:"
Notice Text
Up to fifteen lines of text as defined in the Text of Circulation Notices table. The message that is used is determined by the loan rule under which the item was borrowed. For more information, see Customizing the Text of Overdue Notices.
Notice Text Number
Number of message from the Text of Circulation Notices table which is printed in Notice Text.
Page Number
Printed only if the notice for a single patron is longer than one page.
Patron Name and address
Address #1 or #2, as selected before printing; includes telephone number if desired.
Print Sequence Number
Indicates sequential position of notice in print job. Each print job begins with sequence number 1.
Return Address
The address of the (first) item location or, if this is not available, the first address in the Branch Addresses Table; up to four lines. Your library may choose to have pre-printed forms, instead of printing this data.
Total Amount Owed
Total of all fines and bills for this patron. This element displays if you check Include Amount Owed when selecting notice parameters.

Example Default Overdue Notice

The following is an example of the default overdue notice:

Overdue notice

See also:
Using Circulation Notices
Text of Circulation Notices Table
SMS Alerts