Customizing the List of Item Statuses Available for Automated Self-Checkout

To have the this feature enabled at your library, contact Innovative, and specify the item statuses that your library wants to block from checkout at self-checkout stations.

This feature also affects checkouts in Mobile Worklists.

By default, self-checkout stations (checkout stations using Express Lane or the SIP2 Circulation Interface) block the checkout of items when there is a condition that would normally require a staff override. For example, if the item's STATUS is not '-' (AVAILABLE), the self-checkout station blocks the checkout.

You can specify a list of item statuses to block from checkout at self-checkout stations. If the Customize Item Statuses Available for Automated Self-Checkout feature is enabled, items with a STATUS that is not specified on the list of blocked item statuses are eligible for checkout.

For a list of standard item statuses, see Fixed-length Fields in Item Records.

Checking Out an Item whose Status Is Not '-' with Automated Self-Checkout

The following table details how the self-checkout system behaves if a patron checks out an item that has a STATUS that is not included on the list of blocked item statuses.

Item Status Special Actions Performed by the Self-Checkout System
'm' (MISSING) Changes the item's status to '-' (AVAILABLE).

Checks the item out to the current patron.

'n' (BILLED) If the item is still checked out to the previous patron, the user is prompted to seek assistance from a library staff member.

If the item was marked lost and is not checked out to the billed patron:

The item's status is changed to '-' (AVAILABLE).

The item is checked out to the current patron.

Previous Patron's Bill Not Reduced

The previous patron's bill is not adjusted when an item that has been marked lost is checked out at a self-checkout station. For this reason, it is recommended that you include 'n' (BILLED) in the list of item statuses to block from checkout at self-checkout stations.

'o' (LIB USE ONLY) Keeps the item's status as 'o' (LIB USE ONLY).

Checks the item out to the current patron.

't' (IN TRANSIT) Changes the item's status to '-' (AVAILABLE).

Removes the transit message from the item.

Checks the item out to the current patron.

'z' (CLMS RETD) Changes the item's status to '-' (AVAILABLE).

Checks the item out to the current patron.

Removes the claims returned notes from the patron and item records if the Remove claims returned notes for checked-in items manager-controlled option is enabled. For more information about this option, see Administering Setup Options.

Other Item Status Values Changes the item's status to '-' (AVAILABLE).

Checks the item out to the current patron.