Checking Out Items in Mobile Worklists

This functionality requires Sierra 5.4 or higher, and you must be assigned permission 255 (Circa Checkout). See Permissions Used by Sierra for more information.

Mobile Worklists uses the same configuration as self-checkout to limit the circulation of items to specific statuses (for example, "Available"). See Customizing the List of Item Statuses Available for Automated Self-Checkout for more information.

Using Mobile Worklists, you can check out items to patrons from within the app. This allows library staff to quickly serve patrons using the convenience of a mobile device.

About the Checkout Feature in Mobile Worklists

Mobile Worklists uses the same loan rules, patron blocks, and item blocks as Sierra while checking out items to patrons. When an item is checked out, the system updates the patron and item records. However, this feature is intended as a streamlined checkout process. As such, it does not include the ability to:

If you need to perform these tasks, use the Sierra Desktop Application or Sierra Web.

Checking Out an Item

To check out an item in Mobile Worklists:

  1. From the Home screen, tap Check Out Item. The Scan Patron Barcode screen appears.
  2. Find the patron record by doing one of the following:
    • Scan the patron's barcode.
    • Tap the keyboard icon at the bottom of the screen, enter the patron's barcode, and tap OK.

    If the patron is blocked for any reason, Mobile Worklists displays the message "Patron must check out at the Circulation Desk." Otherwise, the system displays the Scan Item Barcode screen.

  3. Enter the item you want to check out by doing one of the following:
    • Scan the item's barcode. If your camera has a light, you can toggle it on and off by tapping the lightbulb icon. This feature can help you scan barcodes in dark conditions.
    • Tap the keyboard icon at the bottom of the screen, enter the item's barcode, and tap OK.
    • Scan the RFID tag by tapping RFID in the upper, right corner. When instructed, hold your device close to the item.

Mobile Worklists does one of the following:

  • If the checkout is successful, a confirmation message appears at the bottom of the screen containing the due date and other item details.
  • If the checkout is not successful, the following warning appears: "Unable to Check Out. Use the ILS to check out this item." This message occurs when the item requires an override (for example, the item is noncirculating or the item has a hold on it for a different patron).
  • If the item is already checked out to the current patron, the system attempts to renew the item.

If your library uses a security system, you must desensitize the item using a separate device.

  1. (Optional) Check out additional items to the patron using one of the methods in the step above.
  2. When you are finished checking out items, do one of the following:
    • To return to the home screen, tap Done.
    • To check out items to a new patron, tap Next Patron. Mobile Worklists displays the Scan Patron Barcode screen so you can begin checking out items to the new patron.