Using Materials Booking

If your library has acquired Materials Booking, you "book" or reserve library materials for patrons for their future use. Unlike holds, the time period during which the patron will have access to the booked item is specified when you place the booking. You can book bibliographic materials and other materials, such as audio visual equipment and rooms.

You can book materials for hours, days, weeks, and months. When you place a booking, you can configure Sierra to create additional bookings on the item at specified intervals. For example, you can configure Sierra to create additional bookings for the same time of day for a given number of days in a row or for the same day and time for a given number of weeks in a row. You can place up to 400 bookings on an item record or for a patron record.

With Materials Bookings, you can also create events that can be used to link the different bookings placed for a patron. For example, you might create an event to link all of the bookings associated with a professor's course. An event must be associated with a booking. However, a booking can be created without being associated with an event. An occurrence is a booking that is associated with an event. If multiple bookings are placed for the same patron, and share the same Start Date and event, they belong to the same occurrence. For more information on these terms, see the Glossary.

Tasks you can perform in Materials Booking include:

Booking Specific Items
Booking Specific Items from the Summary Tab
Booking Specific Items from the Bookings Tab
Booking Specific Items from the Patron Record
Entering Data for Specific Item Bookings

Booking Any Available Item
Booking Any Available Item from the Summary Tab
Booking Any Available Item from the Patron Record
Entering Data for Any Available Item Bookings

Adding Events
Adding an Event from Bookings Event Maintenance
Adding an Event from the Patron Record
Entering Data for Events Created with the Add Event Button

Viewing Bookings
Viewing Bookings for a Specific Item Record
Viewing Bookings for a Specific Patron Record
Viewing Bookings in Bookings Maintenance
Viewing Bookings in Bookings Event Maintenance

Cancelling Bookings
Cancelling Bookings from the Item Record
Cancelling Bookings from the Patron Record
Cancelling Bookings from Bookings Maintenance
Cancelling Bookings from Bookings Event Maintenance
Cancellation Prompts
Printing Booking Slips
Printing Booking Slips from the Item Record
Printing Booking Slips from the Patron Record
Printing Booking Slips from Bookings Maintenance
Printing Booking Slips from Bookings Event Maintenance

Blocking Bookings
Changing Pickup and Delivery Information
Clearing Cancelled and Expired Bookings
Modifying Occurrences
Modifying Bookings
Possible Messages (Materials Booking)
Transit Time for Booked Items
Viewing Bookings History
Viewing Event Calendars
Viewing Item Calendars
Setting Up the Product

By default, Sierra does not archive cancelled and expired bookings. Sierra begins archiving cancelled and expired bookings only after this feature is enabled, that is, bookings that were cancelled or expired before this feature was enabled are not archived. Innovative can set up Materials Booking to store cancelled and expired bookings for the number of days you specify. This setting can be changed as needed.

In addition, you can specify whether you want the Transit Time for Booked Items feature enabled.