Cancelling Bookings from Bookings Event Maintenance

Using the Bookings Event Maintenance function, you can cancel either of the following:

Cancelling All Booked Items for an Occurrence

To cancel all booking(s) that belong to an occurrence:

  1. View the bookings in Bookings Event Maintenance.
  2. Choose the Events tab if it is not already displaying. (By default, the system opens to this tab.)
  3. Select the booking(s) you want to cancel from the table.
  4. Choose Cancel or Cancel from the right-mouse menu.
  5. Respond to the cancellation prompts. The system cancels all booking(s) that belong to that occurrence.

Note that Sierra enables the Cancel button only if you select bookings whose Status is "Current".

Cancelling Individual Items within an Occurrence

To cancel individual items within an occurrence:

  1. View the bookings in Bookings Event Maintenance.
  2. Choose the Occurrence tab.
  3. Select the item(s) you want to cancel from the table.
  4. Choose the Remove Items button or Remove Item from the right-mouse menu.
  5. Respond to the cancellation prompts. The system cancels the booking(s) for the item(s) you selected.

Note that Sierra enables the Remove Items button only if you select bookings whose Status is "Current".

See also:
Cancelling Bookings