Bookings Event Maintenance Table Display

When you view bookings in Bookings Event Maintenance, Sierra displays the Bookings Event Maintenance Table. This table consists of two tabs:

The following are described below:

Data Elements
Example Display

Data Elements

Events Tab

This tab contains the following elements:

Event Name
The name of the event to which the occurrence is assigned.
The name of the patron for whom the occurrence was created.
Prep Time
If your library has the Transit Time for Booked Items feature enabled, the date and time at which the booked item(s) become unavailable.
Start Date/Time
The date and time at which the occurrence begins.
# of Items
The number of booked items that belong to the occurrence.

Occurrence Tab

This tab contains the following elements:

Call Number
The call number of the booked item. If the item does not contain a call number, Sierra displays the call number from the attached bibliographic record.
The title of the item.
The barcode of the item.
Item Location
The location that owns the item.
The pickup location or delivery information for the booking.
Delivery Information
If the patron was scheduled to pick up the item, this field will be blank. If the item was scheduled to be delivered to the patron, this field contains the delivery location.
Pickup Location
If your library has the Transit Time for Booked Items feature enabled, this field contains the pickup location.
Booking Note
The booking note.

Example Display

Events Tab

Events tab

Occurrence Tab

Occurrence tab