Booking Cancellation Prompts
After you choose to cancel booking(s), Sierra prompts you for confirmation. Depending on which function you use to cancel the booking(s), Sierra displays different prompts:
- When you cancel occurrences from the Events tab, Sierra prompts:Cancel this occurrence?
To cancel the occurrence(s), choose Yes. To continue without cancelling the occurrence(s), choose No. If Sierra is unable to cancel any of the booking(s) associated with the occurrence(s), it displays a results dialog. - When you cancel bookings from the Occurrences tab, Sierra prompts:Remove <title>?
To cancel the booking, choose Yes. (If you selected multiple bookings and do not want to be prompted to cancel each booking, choose Yes to All.) To continue without cancelling the booking, choose No. If Sierra is unable to cancel any of the booking(s), it displays a results dialog. - When you cancel bookings using any other function, Sierra prompts:Are you sure you want to cancel <n> bookings?
To cancel the booking(s), choose Yes. To continue without cancelling the booking(s), choose No. If Sierra is unable to cancel any of the booking(s), it displays a results dialog.
Results Dialog
If Sierra is unable to cancel any of the booking(s) you selected, it displays a results dialog. For example:
1 of 2 bookings were cancelled.
The following bookings were not cancelled:
Record <number> in use by system
Choose OK to continue.