Changing Pickup and Delivery Information

To change pickup or delivery instructions for an occurrence:

  1. View bookings in Bookings Event Maintenance.
  2. Choose the Occurrence tab.
  3. Select one or more items for which you want to change pickup and delivery information.
  4. Choose Change Pickup/Delivery Info.
  5. Specify the following information, based on whether your library has the Transit Time for Booked Items feature enabled:

    NoSpecify how the patron will receive the booked item:
    1. Choose one of the following options:
      Patron will pick up
      Patron will retrieve the booked item. Note that selecting this option disables the Location field.
      Deliver to
      Staff must deliver the booked item to the location specified in the Location field.
      Deliver to and pick up from
      Staff must deliver and pick up the booked item from the location(s) specified in the Location field.
    2. Enter a location in the Location text box.
    3. Choose OK to apply your change.
    YesChange the pickup location for the booked item(s):
    1. Choose a pickup location from the Pickup Location drop-down list.
    2. Choose OK to apply your change.