Possible Messages (Materials Booking)

This section describes some of the messages that Sierra might display when you use Materials Booking.

Item has not been booked. This patron can make only x more booking(s) before reaching the maximum limit of 400 bookings per patron.
Patrons can book a maximum of 400 items. You attempted to place more bookings for the patron than currently allowed (for example, the patron has 398 bookings and you tried to add three more). Sierra did not place any of the bookings you specified for the patron. Reduce the number of bookings you are placing for the patron and try again.
Item has not been booked. This patron has reached the maximum limit of 400 bookings per patron.
Patrons can book a maximum of 400 items. The current patron has already reached this limit.
Item is booked during period: <date> to <date>.
The item that you tried to book is already booked during the period that you specified.
Item is overdue. Continue booking anyway?
Sierra warns you if you try to book an overdue item. To place the booking, choose Yes.
Item <record #> is not bookable:
Cannot book item <record #> because booking blocked.
You tried to book a blocked item.
No available item to book from <date> to <date>.
Sierra cannot place a booking on any available item because no item is available on the dates that you specified.
No bookings will be made until you Save Event. Close anyway?
You are creating an event using the Add Event button. To save the event and bookings you created, choose No and then choose the Save icon. To continue without saving, choose Yes.
No item from <location> available to book from <date> to <date>.
Sierra cannot place a booking on any available item because no item that belongs to the location to which you limited the booking is available on the dates that you specified.
The library is closed during this "wanted from" date. Book anyway?
Sierra warns you if you try to book an item at a date or time after the library is closed. To place the booking, choose Yes.
This booking includes one or more closed days. Continue with booking?
Sierra warns you if your booking period contains one or more days on which the library is closed. To place the booking, choose Yes.
There are no bookings at the selected locations within the selected start dates and times.
While attempting to view bookings in Bookings Maintenance, you selected location(s) and a time period for which there are no bookings.
There can be no more than 24 hours between the "wanted from" and the "wanted to" times.
To create a daily booking, there must be less than a 24 hour period between the Wanted To and Wanted From date.
The "wanted from" date must be before the "wanted to" date.
The "wanted from" time has already passed.
This booking requires immediate preparation.
The Transit Time for Booked Items feature is enabled and you placed a booking whose preparation time begins on the current day.
The 'book from' date is more than one year from today.
Sierra cannot place a booking that starts more than one year in the future.
The 'book to' date is more than one year from today.
Sierra cannot place a booking that ends more than one year in the future.