Modifying Occurrences

To change the attributes of the booking(s) that belong to an occurrence:

  1. View bookings in Bookings Event Maintenance.
  2. Choose the Events tab if it is not already displaying. (By default, the system opens to this tab.)
  3. Select the occurrence you want to modify.

    You can only modify one occurrence at a time. If you select more than one occurrence, Sierra disables the Modify button.

    Sierra displays the Modify Occurrence dialog.
  4. Modify the following attributes as desired:
    Event Name
    Drop-down list of events (current and expired) with which the patron is associated.
    Wanted From
    Starting date/time for the occurrence.
    Wanted To
    Ending date/time for the occurrence.
  5. (Optional) View the associated event calendar by choosing Show event calendar.
  6. Proceed as appropriate:
    • Choose OK to save your changes and return to the Events tab.
    • Choose Cancel to return to the Events tab without saving your changes.